
Tangerine Dream sounds right. As you say, same difference.

That tells me somebody got it, and I should pick up the dvd. The movie is visually stunning, but Tom Cruise is so miscast and Mia Sara is such a big nothing. Imagine it with better leads.

I will! He's the only reason not to watch the whole movie on mute.

She was only on the first season, wasn't she? She was totally unnecessary (which they quickly figured out), but she didn't bother me much because she was a minor part of the show. I didn't mind the B team either when they were just helpers who were occasionally on camera.

I'm not surprised. Their completely opposite personalities are what make their on-camera relationship work, and I think it's what makes their off-camera relationship work as well. Jamie's so thoroughly pragmatic that he doesn't let whatever his personal feelings are about Adam get in the way. Adam is such an

Those were always the best episodes, where they were completely surprised by their results. Too often in the later seasons they tested "myths" that were clearly bullshit, and when they got their entirely predictable disappointing results they said "Welp, time to blow shit up!"

Meh. I loved the show when it was just Jamie and Adam when it started, and I have not missed the B team one iota since they left.

I don't remember Adam's teeth way back when. Grant, on the other hand…

I'd rather they bring back Scottie.

No, unfortunately. I watched a lot of old Match Game when we still had GSN, but I'd like to see Let's Make a Deal and Tattletales. It looks like they do the same thing GSN did - put all the cool old shows like What's My Line and To Tell the Truth on in the middle of the night. I'd rather watch those than Press Your

I love Antenna TV and MeTV. We also get another channel called Decades that reruns the Bob Newhart Show, Mary Tyler Moore, and Hawaii Five-O. They also devote entire weekends to airing the entire run of a show. Last month they did My Three Sons, and the weekend before last it was Celebrity Bowling (probably the

Yes, that was it. It was Walt and Jessie in the diner, and the scene right before was them cleaning up and changing into the Bob Seger t-shirts (which *is* in the video…the whole sequence was straight out of PF).

I don't think there's any question that it was an influence on Vince, whether consciously or unconsciously. I know on one of the commentaries someone mentioned a particular scene was reminiscent of Pulp Fiction (maybe Walt and Jessie in the diner?) and Vince acknowledged it.

True. Edward Herrmann's passing was more fresh in my mind since he only died last year, and I loved him so much in the role.

No? Gilmore Girls debuted in 2000. I grew up watching One Day at a Time and was the same age Lorelai was supposed to be when Gilmore Girls started. Most younger folks probably only watched GG (as someone else mentioned, ODAAT hasn't been as widely aired in syndication as some other shows), but I'm guessing there

Everyone except Ruben Blades and the shady dude with the boat. The show should just be about the two of them, because they're the only interesting characters.

That thought never even crossed my mind. Like the person downthread, the first thing I thought of was Han and Luke pretending Chewie was a prisoner.

It wouldn't be the same without Grandpa Gilmore. :(

In fairness, that feature died three years ago. But I wholeheartedly agree.

I think it has more to do with the fact that Tom named him Chester, and then gave him the nickname Chet. The kid was cursed from birth.