
I thought I knew which was which. Then I got to the MC Serch answer, which made no sense, and I realized I'd been thinking of the wrong guy through the whole interview.

Honestly, me too. It took me a while to really get into Breaking Bad, and even then I didn't enjoy it in the same way or as thoroughly as I'm enjoying BCS. I love this show.

That's exactly what I'm hoping for, eventually.

That show is so great. I'd never heard of him before and ran across it on HBO. I was crying laughing the first time I watched it.

That was so great. I would have started rooting for her for that alone if she wasn't already my favorite.

I've hated the whole Jessie/Rick thing from the beginning. I think it's because it feels rushed and based on practically nothing. I feel like Rick would be focused on acclimating (or not) to the town and making sure Carl and Judith and the rest of the group is doing okay (or not). Like, there should be no room in

I had to ask my SO if it was Rosita or Tara. It wasn't until they mentioned Tara a few minutes later that I remembered it couldn't have been her.

It was tied to a toy boat. We see Sam with it before the Rick/Pete throwdown (I think it was Sam…in any case, not Enid).

This is national news. The same information is in every online article. Standard spoiler rules apply: if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look at anything related to the subject. Even then you're not safe. I was reading the comments on the latest Walking Dead yesterday morning and someone had posted "I know

"Also, he's one to talk. He locked his parishioners out of his church and left them to be eaten by zombies. Just so you know."

This is making me think there's some ugliness running just underneath the surface of their "civilized" existence. It's understood that in a zombie attack you cut and run and it's every man for himself. I'm guessing that it's not a secret that Jessie's husband is abusive, but the townspeople don't talk about it

I guess I can appreciate his self-awareness. I still think he's a sleazeball poser who was more than willing to grab credit and make bucketloads of money until people started suing, and I don't feel a bit sorry for him.

Oh god, exactly what I was thinking of. "See, their song goes like this: dun-dun-dun-da-da-dun-dun. But ours is like this: dun-dun-dun-dun-da-da-dun-dun. It's not the same!"

I don't begrudge them nominations as long as Banks gets in and wins. I love all those guys but none of them, in the course of the entire series, has done anything approaching the level of that last scene.

I am rarely truly moved by television, even great television like
Breaking Bad or The Sopranos or The Wire. I was truly moved by Mike's
confession. That was heartbreaking.

My aunt lives in Denver. We went out for a visit when I was 5-6 years old and she took us to Casa Bonita (this was in the early 70s, probably not long after it first opened). For years I dreamed of going back because it was so awesome. Eventually I kind of forgot about it - I think I assumed it must have closed, it

Yep. That was a dumb move, and one I'm surprised she'd make. It won't be the missing guns that'll get her in trouble, it'll be a quarter of a candy bar.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt Rick was acting totally out of character with Jessie (that includes semi-reaching for his gun when he saw her and her husband walking down the street). Rick's been through a lot, and he's not the same man he was before the ZA, but he's not that guy (i.e. he's not Shane).


Honestly, I was more upset by the horse's death than either Beth's or Tyreese's.