
I love that song.

I'll have to read that article. I'm currently reading a book about why the film flopped (John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood), so I was going by that. Stanton obviously had great enthusiasm for the character and the project because he was a huge fan of the comics, but I didn't get the impression that he thought

Not true. I think everyone involved with the project was aware that the younger generation was not familiar with the series and that they did not have a built-in audience. It was the reason Stanton felt comfortable tweaking the character for modern-day audiences in adapting the book.

I guess you missed that episode of The Brady Bunch.

They completely mismanaged marketing the movie, even after a very successful test screening. Bob Iger, the head of Disney, was a lot more interested in acquiring the Star Wars franchise than in promoting another, very similar, untested franchise.

Stanton had no input on the title change. The logic he used to make himself at peace with it was that John Carter is just plain ol' John Carter at the beginning of the movie, but by the ending he's John Carter of Mars and the audience has gone on that journey with him. He wanted to keep the logo with an eye toward

It's not even hotness, or sexiness…it's plain old attractiveness. Every time I see a picture of Jennifer Connelly on the red carpet I shake my head a bit. She used to have such a sweet, soft, rounded face and an amazing natural bosom. Now she's so angular and severe-looking. She's still beautiful, no argument

Same here. I really enjoy the vast majority of the characters, but Red is hands down my favorite.

That's the point I was making to Jordo, who said he wouldn't put The Wire on his top ten list. Okay, that's fine, but you can't tell me it's worse than Dexter.

I would not describe it as "incredibly funny and clever" but it had its moments (for what it's worth, I did not enjoy Melissa McCarthy's character at all, and I've liked her just fine in other things).

So, our opinions differ on that point. We can at least agree that both shows are more deserving of being on the list than Dexter though, right?

I didn't want to come down on him too hard, and if I have to choose between The Wire and The Sopranos, I choose The Wire. But, yeah.

I've actually found I don't mind her in movies, but she was completely insufferable on SNL.

Okay, somebody's gotta say it. You're really gonna put Dexter in there and not The Wire?

Pretty much the only things Cersei's actually pulled off are having her husband provided with poisoned wine and discrediting Ned Stark before he could reveal that her children were not actually Baratheons. She does a lot of scheming, but she's as subtle as a bull in a china shop. That combination of insecurity,

No, not at all - Robb was his best friend and Theon was his most trusted ally (well, until he wasn't). Theon felt that everyone else at Winterfell looked down on him, though, whether they actually did or not.

That, and the segment where he asks people to describe some of the characters without talking about what they look like or what their role is, are two of my favorite parts of the TPM review. Overall, I think my favorite running gag is him getting pissed off about all the CGI and all the unnecessary shit onscreen,

I only realized because of the cigarette. Not much smoking allowed on TV these days, especially guys in suits.

I was wondering if the reporter actually is aware of who Bob Odenkirk is but just didn't recognize him. I wouldn't be surprised, especially since Bob's wearing sunglasses and that hat.

Yes, in the sense that since her mother took responsibility for her baby, Cindy really does see Monica as more of a sister she can spoil and have fun with than a daughter. There is zero mothering instinct there. I don't think that explains/excuses Cindy's attitude that she's entitled to take whatever she wants and