

Thanks, and right back atcha. You are A+ in my book. I haven't listened to the radio in years, and frankly, I was a little taken aback to read this thread and see that apparently a whole generation views the Chili Peppers as an overrated, sellout radio band. They're not even one of my favorite bands, but…wha?

I guess this was the point I was really trying to make: I saw Urge Overkill at a small club here in my town. Nirvana had played there. Everyone played there before they got big. It was packed, hot as hell, and a fucking great show, one of the best shows I've ever been to. I saw Soundgarden at the same club a few

First, thank you for posting a totally reasonable response to my knee-jerk, month-late comment. I was really obnoxious, and I feel like an asshole. Second, thank you for explaining what you meant, and I completely understand. As for a Woodstock moment…those are few and far between, and completely subjective. You

Luther! I was so excited to see him. I noticed his name in the credits but it didn't click who that was until he came onscreen. I wish he got more work.

Because Luther Mahoney. It's what he does.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Sounds like a great show to me. There is absolutely no reason to be embarrassed by seeing SP, Pearl Jam, and the Chili Peppers in fucking 1991. Whatever those bands have done since then, they were all at the top of their game 20 years ago. You should be ashamed of being embarrassed.

I don't know if there was ever potential for this movie to be good, but any chance there was of that happening died when they gave it to a hack who hadn't directed a movie in five years.  Why did they even bother?

Lebowski, like a lot of Coen Bros. films, definitely needs to be seen more than once to be fully appreciated.  I wasn't sold on it the first time I saw it either.

That is so sad/hilarious.  I mean, John Saxon,.  He's old enough to know better and embrace his place in pop culture.  He can't go to conventions and then pretend to be above it all.  Also, @avclub-e74588bd5b5ee91572458946f383c38b:disqus, it's not like HDS was being intentionally difficult.  He's an old man; he

Wow, you're an asshole.  Never has a commenter been less relevant to a thread.

Oh, fuck you.  He wasn't that bad.  Do you actually know anyone who is older than 70? 

Seriously.  I know I'm not the only 40-something on here, but my dad is still probably older than most other commenters.  He's 83; he's nowhere near senile, but he's lucky if he remembers what day he went to the store last week.  I guarantee if I asked him about the first guy I dated he wouldn't remember him, because

He's not complaining, he's acknowledging the difficulty based on the comments.  It's not like he went to TMZ and said "OMG Harry Dean Stanton was the worst interview ever" (which, for the record, it wasn't).  He didn't do that for Tommy Lee Jones or Ving Rhames either, both of which might have been justified.

You do deserve a merit badge, but I honestly didn't expect more considering HDS is 87.  Yes, there are people out there in their 90s who could still talk your ear off, but everybody's different.  You still got some good responses.  Nice job asking him about the books he reads.

Come on now…he's fucking old.  This would have been a very different interview if it had happened twenty, or ten, or even five years ago. Even so, he got in a few zingers. "What was controversial about that movie? Oh right, the Christians…"

I'm piggybacking my complaint onto yours.  I am not a fan of this writer in the first place, but this recap is so half-assed it's ridiculous.  If they can't find someone who enjoys the show and will put a little thought and consideration into the recaps, better to not cover it at all.

I didn't love Lost's finale, and I didn't hate it either because I wasn't terribly invested by that point, but…it is so lame that he's using Walt's line.  Just fucking dumb. He's had three years to own his shit. This only makes him look like even more of a hack. 

There was more than one Aztek.  If you look at the description this one was used in a crash and is not in drivable condition.

Are you sure you don't have him confused with another character?  I can only think of a few characters that would elicit that reaction, and Hizdahr isn't one of them.