
Bringing back anyone other than Willam would be pointless.  He's the only one who could give Sharon/Latrice/Chad a run for their money.  No one else deserves to come back, though I'd laugh all night if Jiggly or Kenya came back and Phi Phi ended up going home.

Brendon falling on his ass was a thing of beauty.  We rewound multiple times and played it in slo-mo.

Playing dumb is part of Rachel's schtick, but for some reason she always overplays it and takes it to an absurd level, like the beard comment.  You know she's faking it because no one is that dumb (I know it's tempting to think she is, but she's demonstrated on other occasions that she is not).

It just kills me how worked up and angry Phi Phi gets over Sharon and Willam, and they're both, like, "Whatever."  And Phi Phi just doesn't get it, at all.  She has no sense of humor whatsoever, and it's one of the (many) reasons she has no chance of winning.  There is nothing worse than a humorless drag queen.

Jennifer Tilly is 53?  O_O  Damn.  She looks fabulous.  She was a great judge, too.

Phi Phi's lack of self-awareness is simply stunning.  I love love love how Sharon effortlessly takes her down in her talking heads like she's swatting a fly, while all Phi Phi can do in hers is insist that Sharon and Willam have no talent.  Bitch, please.

Hell yes.  Nina should have won her season, hands down.  I think she would have, too, if her English had been a little better.  Manilla and Pandora are my favorite past queens, next to Nina (and Jujubee too). 

I think for years Piven was considered a solid, underrated actor who'd built up goodwill with his appearances in John Cusack movies and the show Cupid.  Then he got hair plugs and became extremely successful with Entourage.  At that point his profile was raised, his ego ballooned, and tales of his real-life

Indeed.  Too bad his screen time amounts to approximately 1.2 minutes.

Someone upthread mentioned the Absolut commercial with the queens from last year.  I don't think Shangela was quite polished enough to win, but I think it's telling that she seems to have more screen time in that commercial than any of the others. And I have to say, looking back, I think maybe Manila should have won.

Actually, I just remembered something.  Tom and Lorenzo mentioned in one of their RPDR recaps that ripping the wig off at the end is sort of a cliche that hearkens back to old-style female impersonators - they'd perform, and then taking the wig off at the end was supposed to be some kind of shock to the audience that

Ooh…a Morgan Freeman RR would be a-mazing.

From what I understand, they want to be the next Bravo.  I'm not sure how that translates, other than "give any ol' D-list celebrity a reality show."  RPDR is supposed to continue, but I imagine the others will be dumped.

I don't understand why they think it's a good idea to take their wigs off.  Now, in the first season, Shannel's wig fell off during her LSFYL performance, and the judges loved that she stayed committed and kept going, but that's entirely different from going nuts and ripping your hair off.

Agreed.  I am by no means a particularly healthy eater, but reading about all that fat and salt and sugar put me off my lunch.

Well, whippersnapper, the mascot in my day was a wizard.  Why would they change from a magical wizard to a fat dog?

I thought her hyperventilating was real as well.  They were pushing themselves hard to get to the mat first (which was dumb, because they were in no danger of being eliminated).  It appears we'll have to wait for the next episode to see Rachel in all her Attention Whoring, fake-crying glory.

It's Brendon's job to reassure Rachel (and himself).  All they did on
Big Brother was tell each other how much more awesome they were than
everyone else, and the only reason people didn't like them was because
they were such "fierce competitors."  No, it had nothing to do with
Brendon being an arrogant douchenozzle,

FINALLY.  I've been waiting for Jerrell to be eliminated since the season started.  I'll grant that he managed to pull together a couple of good looks over the series, but he got a lot further than he should have with the many tacky-ass travesties he sent down the runway.

Well, we know she didn't watch Top Chef Masters.  Floyd was the TCM winner; Takashi has never even competed on TCM.