Running In Terror

he seems like such an asshat..Seinfeld is my favorite comedy ( thanks to Larry David and the other writers)..him and tina fey in the comedians coffee underscored my feeling that they seem like unbearable people to be around..

now i have to put "the old man" episode on……

and (ironically?) i've had too much vodka…ugh..

they dont want to fuckin' leave…why would anyone want to leave their home place when they are fighting to improve it? if everyone leaves shit…what do we have left?? (in response to people saying 'why dont you just leave?')…sorry just angry…

all of this 'editing' reminded me of ''THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY!''…

i got that for christmas…when my family left (before christmas)..i untapped the wrappings plugged it all up and played until they came back.

i always got to the end…scar was it? and i could NEVER beat the fucker…i don't know how my t.v. survived..

battletoads pissed me the fuck off..lots of anger in my room..

just wanted to say i agree about galecki trying too hard…the acting, to me, has been…off..something has been weird..

forgot the site or article..but "laugh track technicians" or whatever are hired to lower or raise the audiences laughs..

reminded me of kramers fax machine..elaine shit..no point to this..thanks for getting that sound in my head. arse.

saw them on tour with pearl jam about 10 years ago i think…was a shame (was here in texas :/) the camera zoomed in on their butts and the audience cheered…sigh..

i am only 31..but velvet…nirvana…mbv…pavement..modest mouse…theyve gotten me through so many funerals…

an interesting life indeed…he did live long for all went through..not shocking but fucking shocking :(

after hours…one of my favorite songs of all time…

didnt mean an UP for death..mean..dang..too many deaths. :/

maybe sharing too much…their self titled record played by chance when my grandpa who raised me died…can't think of that record any differently…played it on a loop..

he was honest…

velvet underground got me through some dark stuff…r.i.p lou…thanks for everything..