
Lastly, and I'll probably shut up after this, a much more appealingly agnostic (if jaded [but oh so clever!]) take on the ugly relationship in politics between the press and the establishment is Armando Iannanucci's "The Thick of It."  It and even "Veep" paint the political system as a sad, mongrel dog, ridden with

That's a fine position, but it looks like Sorkin is aiming to appeal to his fans for a discourse, whereas the show just comes off as the type of "I know better, so of course everyone else knows better" blind polemic.  Again, the crux of my problem is that I find myself in the unfortunate position where I agree

This series…  Sorkin seems to think that, by having an alleged moderate Republican as ACN's anchor, it shields him from completely vilifying half of the electorate.  Republicans are /also/ Americans, regardless of what one may think of them, whose strongly-held beliefs are every bit as legitimate a part of this