
One thing I was trying to keep in mind this season: The creators were initially green-lit for Book 1 and Book 2 only, and that was going to be it. I'm willing to bet that once Nick decided to give them two more books, the creators had to do a TON of story re-organizing: stretching things out, making room for more

When did Chalky and Richard become chummy? I can't remember.

That makes sense, I suppose. I was worried it was a glaring inconsistency, but Konietzko and DiMartino have always been pretty tight with their mythology.

Sooo…… the bending arts came from a bunch of lion turtles? Cool, BUT in AtLA, it's stated that the sky bison were "the original airbenders." The same with earthbending (badger moles), waterbending (moon and ocean spirits), and firebending (dragons). Did the people that were bequeathed bending abilities lose them

Coulson is totally an android now.  Big clue: He can't empty the gun chamber, which "use to be like muscle memory", because he no longer has any actual muscles.  I can only assume this will tie into the Avengers: Age of Ultron. Andoids, A.I., Vision, etc., it all adds up.  Maybe he's the prototype for Ultron or

Angela Chase, My So Called Life.

Attention AV reviewers: SUPERMAN KILLED ZOD IN THE COMICS! This movie and that scene where Supes breaks Zod's neck is loyal to his history. He knew there was no other way to get rid of the Phantom Zone prisoners without running the risk of them escaping again, so he sent them to a permanent death. Stop hating on the

Pulp Fiction AND Reservoir Dogs over Jackie Brown? Boo-urns.  And Carlito's Way is on this list but Heat is not.  I think your voting system is as screwy as the electoral college. I demand a recount!

Pulp Fiction AND Reservoir Dogs over Jackie Brown? Boo-urns.  And Carlito's Way is on this list but Heat is not.  I think your voting system is as screwy as the electoral college. I demand a recount!

Yes, the death of print is pretty evident here in the Twin Cities, where I've been NOT reading the weekly Onion newspaper for a month now. I suppose that's what happens when the company blows millions of dollars on the west coast, then doesn't fire the dumbass who was responsible for it, just the hundreds of people

Yes, the death of print is pretty evident here in the Twin Cities, where I've been NOT reading the weekly Onion newspaper for a month now. I suppose that's what happens when the company blows millions of dollars on the west coast, then doesn't fire the dumbass who was responsible for it, just the hundreds of people

Why did you guys fire a bunch of your staff?

Why did you guys fire a bunch of your staff?

THE WIRE!! I know you guys covered season 5, but when will you get around to the rest?

Yes! Mission Hill!!!

Not sure how intentional this is: Nate first meets the Chenowith parents while swimming in their pool. Later in Season 3, after Bernard passes away, his 'ghost' visits Nate telling him not to worry about Brenda. 'Ghost' Bernard is soaking wet with water reflections projected on the walls behind him, a call back to