Counterpoint: The best part of the entire Harmonix Rock Band, Guitar Hero series and genre of games was playing the drums on the "AC/DC Live" expansion pack so FUCK YOU!
Counterpoint: The best part of the entire Harmonix Rock Band, Guitar Hero series and genre of games was playing the drums on the "AC/DC Live" expansion pack so FUCK YOU!
I'd submit "Bring on the dancing girls and put the champagne on ice" from "Sin City," but that's more in the delivery and placement in the song.
I have a hard time believing this is a real article on this website of all places. I thought they had The Onion and Click Hole for that kind of trolling.
But that's just it. Trying to even rate AC/DC is pointless. It's like asking why I'm taking the t-tops off my bitchin' Camaro, driving to the Emporium and leaning against the hood.
Someone paid more attention to the lyrical content of this song than Brian Johnson did.
Didn't Fox News close their comments section?
I don't believe you.
I'm getting married.
You don't already know it? They let anyone comment here now a days.
or like the back of a Volkswagen?
Mind blown!
This whole thread reminds me of Bill Hicks' bit on pro-life vs pro-choice.
I like it so much because I am a huge Springsteen fan and think the entire album is a Springsteen parody, which the Boss kinda deserves every now and again.
I think the people who hate this song take it more seriously than the people that made the song.
"….it was so much better than it is today"
At this point Hatesong is just a giant social experiment on all the commenters.
At least it was worth it.
Coincidentally, I had some friends in a band get sent to the hospital when they were beat up by straight-edge kids in Salt Lake City.
At no point do I dispute this.
Hot chicks are how we all got into Sublime.