
I believe they actually mentioned tranq ammo in the episode, when they were complaining that this time they couldnt use any because they were locked out of the arrow cave. So, basically assume all the other times it was fine, but they forgot they didnt have tranqs and unwittingly killed a bunch of people this time.

Agree with the others, arrow season 4 was still worse than flash season 3 currently is (but time can change this, and Barry is about to mess with time AGAIN so who the fuck knows really). That being said I think Flash season 1, while spectacular, had too many filler episodes to rate higher than arrow season 2. That

*groans* literally last week Barry says "I'm not supposed to do that anymore" when Kara travels through time. naturally, it takes Barry 7 days to pull a 180. It's like they replace the entire writing staff every week and none of the new guys have seen any old episodes!

Didn't they reveal that president wonder woman was an alien the last time we saw her? that was months ago so its hard to remember but I definitely went into this episode being pretty sure she was a white martian

I'm not sure if thats supposed to be a wink at the audience or a hint that maybe David, like Ptonomy, can remember everything if he wants to. Either one is cool with me.

I was just waiting for Nate to go "where's the blood" and then realize Mick stole it. still I'm sure Mick will come back to the light in the end. Lets not forget that in LOTR Frodo gives in to temptation and is only saved because Gollum snags the ring and then slips and falls off the edge of the volcano (or is pushed

(insert meme about shutting up and taking my money here)

I cant be sure because it requires a lot of assumption, but I suspect what the showrunners wanted was for music meister to be trying to help Wally as well… So perhaps he robbed the bank to give Wally the chance to save the day and feel confident in himself once more. Just guessing really but its an acceptable

That was 100% intentional

Supergirl has really come into its own this season. Worth investigating.

Disappointing this got so many F's from the community. Screw the trolls - this episode was the most fun I've had with the Flash in ages!

I had this disastrous epiphany this week where I realized that the writers have developed a system whereby they basically only treat premieres and finales as times where things should actually fucking happen. But I also realized that they care more about getting people to tune in next season than they do about

Jesus was such a badass in the comics, he didn't even need to carry a weapon. I'm pretty sure he's literally spent the entirety of this season complaining about Gregory and talking to people. Which would be okay, if we didn't all know that we're missing out on "epic badass parkour johnny karate master dojo man" Jesus

Completely agree with you. Everyone is saying "well, he's an inherent coward so it makes sense". And yeah, sure it would make sense if we hadn't seen him spend the last two seasons trying to be brave, giving speeches to Abraham about how he's a survivor too, and biting dudes in the nuts. This just annoys me because at

Holy shit that fight scene at the end was brutal, and absolutely awesome! It's a kind of unique dynamic between Oliver and Chase - this is the first time both villains have hated each other with such a passion - Slade hated Oliver but it wasn't reciprocated, and Oliver hated Dhark whereas he saw Oliver as just an

This was an entertaining episode but I didn't quite buy everything that happened - like I bought Morgan losing his cool on Richard, but 100% did not buy him calling Benjamin Duane. I thought we definitely did not spend enough time with Ben to earn that. Also, I have a problem with the way this show drags its feet. The

This episode gets an A because Gideon was hot.

I really loved the bait and switch this episode, I thought it was handled spectacularly! Maybe this means Clayborne the is Vigilante? Or maybe Chase is using a fake name and he really is Clayborne? Gah I love when this show has real mystery!

Meh you can argue the early middle ages pretty much started with the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

As much as I love this show, this episode was probably the worst one we've had in quite a while. The political arguments were pretty bad because they were soooo shallow. If you're afraid to take an actual stance on the necessity of gun control, then whats the point of having the entire episode revolve around this sort