Ace Freebird

It's a TV show. The writers have to manufacture drama and accelerate the normal pace of things. I don't think Warren Leight ever promised verisimilitude.

In one of the first two episodes, someone hinted that Johnny got passed over in favor of Lights, i.e., Johnny had more raw talent but Lights had more drive. I would guess Lights and Pops giving Johnny endless second chances has a lot to do with that, tying nicely into the Catholic guilt theme.

Au contraire Noel Murray
We need vociferous old men mentioning Hugo Largo and Game Theory now more than ever. Carry the flame!

And fuck FX for waiting until after the next episode airs before putting shit on demand.

I personally could much more easily forgive a friend for stealing a girl than stealing my dog. It's a completely different bond, between a man and his dog, so I get the grudge.

I bet the zombie in the car…
…won a "stagger-on" role.

Also awesome: After Jimmy threw the photographer through the glass-paned door, Jimmy opened the door to go outside and continue whipping the photographer's ass.

I think Maggie Siff wants off the show because she's real-life pregnant. She has chubbed up a little bit this season…

"Queen Bitch" contains basically the best riff ever in history.

Predicting that he is/was/had been previously and is now feeding information to the press because he found his moral compass in Gretchen. He obviously recognized the soil report, he is an architect or some such, and there's a lot we don't know about him.

Who gives a shit where the leaves came from?

@Chees: Best. Win.

I suspect that Jason Adler, once having been in cahoots with Zeitlin et al., is now Laura Ross's source, and that Terriers S1 will somehow culminate with Hank and Britt saving Jason's ass/life and bringing down the Montague Group and their land-grab scheme.

Am I the only one who thinks Michael Gaston way overplays Zeitlin? He's just *too* smug, *too* bad-guy-confident to be believable. @ArtDeco, I agree with you. Gaston played that scene in Rubicon so much better than he played the analogous scene in "Asunder." And it's not like the quality of the source material was all

And Fr. Kellen would have pegged Jax for a poor-grammar-using ass-eating retard.

Kelly MacDonald played Carla Jean Moss in the Coen brothers' No Country for Old Men. (Just trying to get it *exactly* right.)

@SoH: None of the three people I watched with could figure out what that was a reference to. The best we could must was that that scene was a victim of editing and we only really needed to know that Nucky saw Angela and the photographer's wife doing something suspect.

Real people get into bar fights, and those people then comment on AV Club boards? This universe continues to surprise me daily.

Kerianne (Fiona's daughter) played Pocahontas is Terrence Malick's "The New World." And she is Jewel's (the singer) cousin or some such.
