Ace Freebird

The shots of Lexington in the pilot did not ring true, and the shot last night with the hills in the distance seemed false also. The hills in Kentucky aren't that jagged or that severe. They roll instead of jut.

IMDb says nerdy office girl's character's name is Laurie Slade, and that Laurie Slade's real name is Kiersten Lyons. I <3 her glasses.

Assless Chaps
Why do people say this? By their very nature, all chaps are assless. According to wikipedia, "unlike trousers," chaps "have no seat [i.e., no ass] and are not joined at the crotch." Case. Closed.

Unmaking Clay
Right after Opie asked Jax how they "unmake" Clay, Clay put his arthritic hands on conference room table. Take away Clay's medicine, cripple his hands so he can't saddle up (so to speak), and unmake him. Simple, bloodless, relatively painless—more like a transfer of power than a usurpation/coup. Or at

Half Sack earned his patch sticking up for Clay like that, for sure. He ran into a hail of gunfire to shield Clay. He's in, baby.

@Lazerguided: But this is what the Clientele do. Strange Geometry is especially self-referential.

sustainable schmustainable
I don't buy this "sustainable" restaurant hooey. Let's first take a look at where the restaurant is: Las Vegas, probably the least sustainable place in the universe, a neon city with green grass and fountains and golf courses and a metro population of 2 million in the middle of the desert.

Tell 'em, ZMF. Fucking ownage.

Hale's father is a judge, y'all. Don't forget that.

@foghs: Respectfully, neither of those things has happened. Betty hasn't discovered "the truth;" she just found a box of ambiguity. As Noel posits in his review, and as evident in the episode itself, truth is malleable and subjective, and means different things to different people. Reality can be spun and twisted;

Agree 100%, lexicondevil. If anything made me cringe, it was Don's response, not Susan's musings.

Identity crisis
The Clee-en-tell are also one of my favorite bands, and of course Bonfires is a good album, but it suffers from a bit of an identity crisis—lots of competing ideas bouncing around, tones that don't necessarily mesh with one another. The same thing happened on Strange Geometry, but the tone/tenor of the

It is in America, d-bag. Stuff your edits in a sack.


Fair enough, ZMF, though I think Zobelle chose not to do anything about it at that particular point, knowing that a car bomb was making its way to the Teller-Morrow garage. If Chibs dies, one of those LAN motherfuckers needs to get their own Glasgow Smile. Zobelle's daughter Polly would be my choice. Bitch deserves it

But ZMF, it's clear that Clay's style doesn't work with Zobelle, that his leadership is waning and his vision shaky. There wasn't really any ownage. Chibs is probably dead. Zobelle is building evidence against the Sons. No ownage.

Did you all see how disappointed Piney was with Opie's "yea" vote? Crushed his cigarette and everything…

That was just Clay being a big fucking baby. "Boo hoo, I'm not getting any trim. It's been three weeks, wah wah."

Speaking of Opie…
Opie has problems; we all know this. What does everyone make of that look he gave Clay after Clay said "Bobby did two years for us, he needs this" in reference to Bobby's new accounting gig? To me, it was Opie saying, "I did time for the club too, where's my cushy gig? Where's my salary?" Opie is

Shiels, I agree that some of what SAMCRO gets away with is too easy. Like blowing up the meth lab last night. The rolled up, fired a few shots, blew up a house, and then went to a party. You're telling me a bunch of gangsters cooking meth aren't going to have armed-to-the teeth security watching every single door and