
The cover of Master of Reality fits the band and the mood of the album perfectly.

for me and my hometown friends its all about the 1979 b-horror masterpiece Phantasm. we still quote it.

someone's probably posted this already…
He's Rowdy Roddy PEEPER!

flag, keys, sabbath…
couldn't help notice no Black Lips. don't dig em, or what?

left = logic
right = creativity

let me be the first to say
this inventory kicks ass

Also, "sing me spanish techno" from "twin cinema" works nicely with the square dancing scene in "son in law"

Yak Ballz
Yak Ballz was in Weathermen. obviously not as big as El-P, Aes or Cage but he doesn't belong on this list like he's some unknown myspace dude

remember in the 90s when EVERY ad for an adolescent comedy used that "y'all ready for this… da nah nah na na na nanananah…" song