The Cookie Monster


Agreedsa, the season had 2 or 3 episodes worth of funny material stretched out over 15 interminable yawn-fests.

Meesa think it not very good comic. He dean of Actor's Studio, of course he failed actor. It not clever observation to point out acting teacher had acting aspirations at one point in life.

Youssa right, no human being would stack books like this.

Original cookie monster just a monster who loved cookies and lived in a trash can.

Meesa hate that original shows trying something new get cancelled and generic bla like this goes on forever. Meesa would rather watch ambitious terrible disaster then TNT whatevers.

Trying to be sarky by talking like a gameshow host is lame. Meesa.

Hmm, maybe you justa not makea much of an impression. I've been reading since before they even had comments. Meesa remember the old days, days of Mbs and Lexicondevil, when Zmfs roamed the land.

Ubiquity all necessary for gimmick commenter to become beloved. Me justsa gonna keepa posting, wait it out. Old guard gets replaced, new fish become beloved regulars. You're new here, you don't understand, I've seena the changes take place. Meesa confident the next generation will embrace meesa.

Meesa think Parks and Rec no longer funny or entertaining show. Councilman Jamm not da problem, only symptomatic of larger problem.