Ironic Pop Culture Reference

The Handmaid's Tale only qualifies if you disregard that postmodern-ish epilogue, which states pretty explicitly what happened to Offred.

It really seems weird that a person who's afraid of being eaten alive would choose to be an actor.

The books establish he also did some thievery and general criminal activities, so… yeah, still nothing.


We're like Romeo and Juliet, we're like four T-Dogs and cigarettes…

This is how I took it.

90% was probably too high a number, but that cattiness you saw is absolutely a real thing. (And not to play the authority here, but I actually work with these people every day.)

I know the review found it unrealistic, but a bunch of chorus boys/girls turning on a dime from "I hate you" to "We're best friends" is 100% accurate. Theatre is like high school most of the time.

While the show gets a lot wrong, it nails the fact that 90% of musical theatre actors are horrible, horrible people.

2003? Take out Lord of the Rings and that was a horrible, horrible year.

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Oh, there are people who could do it that well, they're just not the people who are currently getting produced, unfortunately, save Yazbek, and he bats about .500.

On Broadway lately, yes; as a rule, no.

I agree with you about 90% here, but you're discounting the fact that there ARE good current composers who could do this well: Flaherty/Ahrens, David Yazbek, or Goldrich/Heisler all come to mind as being suited for the project.  Using existing music is always  (ALWAYS) a bad idea, because a) songs should come out of

Oh, I missed that part. Never mind, it's another shitty jukebox musical. Nothing to see here.

Does your DVR not record 2 to 3 minutes past the ends of episodes? I thought that was pretty standard.

I'm sure this will be the dissenting opinion here, but with the right creative team, this could be good.

Yeah, I actually had no idea what to call that neighborhood, so I picked the closest one that it felt like.

Cool story, bro: The "Iowa" bar is actually a barbecue restaurant called Hill Country in Hells Kitchen, which is a godsend to us native Texans who need a brisket fix occasionally. You can tell it's not in Iowa because they only halfway bother to cover up the giant Texas flag on the wall.