Jack Monahan

here's a thought
How about people post comments, and if it's first, it's first, and you don't end up looking like an idiot if it's not?
Do the comments on AVC articles need in any way resemble Ain't It Cool News Talkbacks?

nice work noel
Quality interview—you're right, Noel, the tenseness you described in the blog doesn't come through in the interview, but what does come through is a very well put together set of questions and answers.
It's obvious that you did your homework about the album, and took care to cover questions that Wilco

DUBBA, don't give them credit
Come on, man. If those thrift-store hipsters and their aesthetics bother you, why waste time on them? I can't stand the vast majority of pop music being produced, and American Idol makes me pretty ill, but I'm happy as a clam because technology being what it is, I can always fill my ears

RS can eat a bag of hell
to borrow a phrase. I forget what review I was reading of theirs, but the reviewer described a song as "x crossed with y as if played z" and I made soft vomiting noises to myself as I closed the window. Don't really care to read any more of their reviews until there's a changing of the guard.

I'm given to understand that
this movie was partially the result of Larry visiting the troops in Iraq and hearing their cries that they'd like a comedy about their situation… if that is true, then beware, beware anwsered prayers.

God bless Tweedy (What Light)
I trust the AVC judgment as regards the comment system. The internet does allow the sort of two-way mirror kind of deal as regards to content creation and fan response that is great in some ways and awful in others; that's just how it goes. Opening up or closing down the comments to

not easy
to pick out a single film as definitive, but this is a more than sporting go at it. Oh, and for all the easy listmaking that magazines and sites do these days, this is one is actually interesting and hasn't been done roughly every two weeks.
Can't say I can name any possible alternatives for the early decades

"The flop in question is Taboo, the semi-autobiographical Boy George musical whose modestly successful London run inspired Rosie O'Donnell to finance a disastrous Broadway engagement"

Spider man 3: bowel senses tingling
I for one am not entirely sold on Tobey Maguire possessing the dramatic heft for an entire movie centered on his character defecating into a bag. Yes, it would sell tickets… but it would be relegated to the lower echelons of shitting-into-a-bag films; nothing compared to the masters.

and oh yeah
…Sisyphus wasn't a god. Guess I'm the fag.

yeah why is he is writing like that? fag!
How DARE he attempt an allusion to a Greek god? He must be a fag. Boy, good thing you're spending time commenting on a website full of reviews that you apparently can't stand.

Yes, it is unfortunate that the movie starts off on that track, though I would argue that the "intelligent" childless couple in the beginning are satirized just as much as the brood-spawning hillbillies.
But the movie still makes it very clear that it's a degraded popular culture and wider domination of

a pity
that somehow Barrymore seems thought of as a thousand times more versatile actress than she really is? I mean don't get me wrong, she's quite charming and very well cast in… well, Drew Barrymore roles. But I remember seeing the trailers for this film and just wondering who thought this was a good idea.

gee, that sarah polley
is one talented lady. Even taking time out for a weird role like the Dawn of the Dead remake (a role she brought more than required, in my opinion).
Anyhow, some of the description reminds me of reviews of Wes Anderson's movies, insofar as its dealing with themes and material so far removed from

… it's your car.

gotta check out this bava character
since this isn't the first time he's been reviewed on AVC, and his films are described just as interestingly as before. This could definitely be a set worth picking up, though I might see if I can scrounge around a copy of one of the films to rent before taking the plunge. Cool

internet ecosystems
Honestly, the Rick Ruben comment was kinda funny.

I traveled the world for 8 months (no, really) and during which narrowly missed seeing this film on the international circuit (though I caught Children of Men in Melbourne, November '06, weee!). The Fountain was playing on the flight home, but I knew better than to watch the movie chopped, recorded to

please, no intellectual high ground
on two very misbegotten sequels. They had plenty of action, and plenty of interesting ideas—much as the SW prequels did, and failed on much the same terms. I'm not saying Reloaded and Revolutions are horrible movies… I just never care to watch them again, which should be enough of a

regarding the Rocketeer
I'm glad that when I saw the movie as a child, other than my general expectation that great stories should never end, I had little to no inkling that it was intended as a franchise.
And really, perhaps isn't it better to be left longing for the sequel that never came, instead of soiling your