Jack Monahan

As I recall, Bowie spent the year previous to recording his album "Hours…" listening exclusively to his own music. Now that's some serious navel gazing that produced a similarly inward-looking, mostly just OK album, but I think a similar endeavor aimed at one's own record collection

Yes, actually. AVC gets by just fine without grabby headlines or gimmicky features. Sure there's a good shit-stirring one every once in a while to rattle the groundlings' cages, fine. But just because something is divisive doesn't mean it's genuinely interesting or worth reading.

Sorry, that's the only real response I can think of for some of these, particularly the egregious chopping of Amesiac.

Cannot wait—read this book
There's still time, people—grab the paperback and read it before this movie drops; I can't wait to see it.

literary covers
Ever after that AVC blog entry on the subject, I can't help but explicity judge books by their covers (or at least, judge my expectations of the books by their covers, which is probably OK).

Several reviewers downgraded Portal for being too short and sweet—yet of course, nobody commends shitty, sloppily made games three or four times its length for being long.
For older gamers, or gamers that simply enjoy having other leisure time activities than gaming, Portal-length gaming is well night

Is there any better way to underscore the inanity, the great movie-nullifying force of the SW prequels than a youtube video of Jar-Jar stills, with "Nobody Does it Better" playing? Genius.
Good list overall, it includes the big disappointers.

Max payne?
I think just about any review of Stranglehold ought to have some sort of cursory mention of the Max Payne games, which picked up on and artfully executed the promise of slow-mo John Woo style action before Woo put his (these days) not-so-golden stamp on this game. I need to give this game a try, but from

cartoon thugs and mystical negro
killed this movie for me. Foster is good, Howard is better; but (as mentioned) Andrews is drawn too perfectly, and not one of her victims suggests any sort of humanity, only the broadest of racist thug stereotype. It played like a horribly softballed version of Taxi Driver—higher

Thoughts from a double feature
I just saw The Kingdom, followed immediately by The Brave One (C and B+, respectively by the AV Club). Not to grade-grub or get into comparative metrics from different reviewers, but I'd switch the two grades. Respectfully, I think some of Scott's review does seem like the cry of a

do we need a review of the graduate?
Noodle—in a word, yes. These guys watch so many shit movies as a part of the job, actually committing some brain power to writing something interesting about a movie they (and everyone else) know is great is worthwhile.

one of the unbeatables
Looks like I've got a new dvd to get on amazon.com. This movie is for anyone who has been this age, about to be this age, gone through college or known someone who has. Also for older women who seduce recent college graduates? Classic.

sounds like
a tremendously interesting book. Especially as it's short, apparently—far too few authors have (or exercise) a gift for brevity.

"If the tone television veteran Marshall was shooting for was âbad Designing Women spin-off,â then he succeeded spectacularly."

We Are Floating in Space IS a classic album, though. Glad I got into that album a year or two ago—listening to it is like taking drugs, but without all the messy propensity to make long and jammy albums!

i was young and listening to music in 1997
so this feature kinda freaks me out. Granted, I think it's way better to be 15 and listening to OK Computer than 25. I guess some of Thom Yorke's maudlin sentiment goes better with teenagers, eh? Still a great album, though. 1996 and 1997 both had some incredible albums—what

that second intellectual
should be 'artistic'. Also, check yourself (alternatively, b-b-brace yourself).

on the hip hop. As open minded as most of us seem about this or that foreign movie, or the new Animal Collective album, around here there sure are a lot of questionable jibes about the intellectual, cultural, or intellectual worth of hip hop.

laughable (mostly not in the good way)
We had a chance split between seeing this or seeing 3:10 to Yuma tonight, and to paraphrase the knight from Last Crusade: "we chose… poorly." That's right, despite one of my friends saying "that movie looks really shitty", I remembered that this movie got the B- review (same

matador = ticket sale
Enjoyed The Matador greatly—that movie earned this one an automatic viewing from me.