
Exactly. NOTHING interesting has happened on this Cycle.  I don't know if all the girls are just trying to show the "real" them and not the prior image, but none of them strike me as extraordinary.  Isis was the only one who I was really rooting for.  Now that she's gone, the show is just stale.

So are we going to have any female reviewers on this? I mean, AV Club needs them in general, but especially in the face of female leads.   I found the "dry out my vagina" joke very funny… probably because it is something that my female friends and I reference in conversations about loser guys… and many loser guys

Especially when Lisa Rhinna said it.

Song Lyrics
During the food fight scene, that song made the entire episode for me.

Harlemites? They were more likely from the midwest, like every other New York transplant looking to "make it big" in the "business."

Fi's Sharpie'd Tshirt
said something like "Find Me a Job" or "Will Work for a Better Job"? Something like that, handwritten in Sharpie on a white tshirt. Anyone catch that or understand the message?

Chevy Chase's pratfall
Anyone see it as directed to the audience— a kinda Screw Off to the critics who say he's not as funny as the others. Its true, his character hasn't been written to be all that funny or interesting… But he knows he's funny, and when he fell, he pumped his fist to the audience… almost as if he

He did sell it. Great acting on his part. But he admitted that he didn't have to kill Echo in order to get it, thus making it unnecessary to kill him… But yeah, in light of the budgeting and timing problems, there's only so much complaining that I can do.

I think they built up a crazy villain as the head of Rossum, and like the article states— they ran out of actors.

Also, not to mention that BOYD WAS RIGHT! They DID need the vaccine, which could have been mass produced as an antidote. Once he saw the damage that Rossum could do, he was looking for a solution!

Why do that to a wiped Boyd, other than for dramatic purposes? Don't get me wrong— the visceral impact of his doll-innocence, while carrying his that weapon, was powerful… But I couldn't buy it. Can't make the audience hate Boyd in 30 minutes, after 2 seasons of adoring him…Personally, I'm with Boyd— I'm okay