
I was on the verge of pissing and shitting myself several times during this episode, which (I think) means Homeland is back to actually being somewhat riveting. I actually almost pissed and shit myself again when I saw The AV Club finally gave an episode this season a really good review.

I get more of a 2036 Observer World vibe than an "Over There" vibe, personally.

I can see where this show needs work, but it comes so close to filling the void left in my heart by Fringe that I can't really come to any conclusion other than I REALLY LIKE THIS SHOW SO FAR.

Can we just not compare everything to Breaking Bad on this website? For Christ's sake.

Ha ha! Hating on Transformers! Original! I bet you're a blast at parties.

I found this whole series unsatisfying and disappointing. Cue angry nerd responses with a bunch of pop-culture one-liners nobody who has had sex understands.

Seasons one, two and four are legitimately good, if not great. The rest are just progressively worse.

Terrible as always. Yes, one of today's most critically acclaimed acts was "terrible as always." I hate living in this world.

Who gives a fuck? His music is outstanding.

Kanye was the best part of an otherwise boring episode.





I was going to say Bell probably didn't think anyone would try to kill Olivia, but he built his own goddamn universe so he probably thought of that.

Your mom was disconcerting!

The scene with Crazy Eyes made this episode for me. A bit erratic, I agree, but it's great Fringe-ness nonetheless. In my completely arbitrary opinion, I deem this episode to be a completely arbitrary A-.

Of course Astrid isn't going to die. She was alive in Letters of Transit. Unless that episode, too, takes place in an alternate timeline or something.

When wasn't it?

I saw the episode. Probably one of my all-time favorite TV episodes ever. The bit with September is truly great.