Dr. Ma

So Ra's likes shitty techno and house music. Good to know.

I like how you're watching thinking, "How the fuck is Peggy going to get out of thi— Oh! Problem solved."

Wait wait… what? So, does that make Wells a little less evil? Or, he is not the yellow Reverse Flash but does end up creating him by trying to fuck around with the speedforce?

This episode needed more Joe. Also, Eddie's expression when Joe said he wanted to keep digging on the Wells front was great. Clearly these guys enjoy going after the rich and shameless.

Terry's "smile." Holy shit.

Oh shit, I had forgotten all about that. The cut-out hearts. Fuck, that was a brilliant episode.

I love when the patients are watching "The Adventures of Mark Twain," and the character says his name is Satan, there's one dude laughing and nodding, like everything makes sense.

It's hard to see how it ends any other way, honestly.

Why would a real marshal never have a truck like that? Have you been to Kentucky?

"Big Gap." Holy shit, just crapped myself laughing. I tend to agree, though I would rank Holland among the better actors (though I agree her character sucks). Curious, though, do you think Amell is that bad of an actor? Maybe I'm grading on improvement, but he has quite a few fine moments, especially in season two.

Missed opportunity from season one:

Nicely done!

As a Ruby fan, I try to rationalize it this way: her material sucks. Meryl Streep couldn't sell that shit.

I know this is blasphemy, but the fans are in denial about Sara. Her story was somewhat more organic and interesting, but Lotz wasn't exactly a great actress either, and she was frequently made to say the most ridiculous shit in the most ridiculous way. The showrunners kinda sorta fucked this up by not being able to


So, wait… Is Brick a Terminator or otherwise bulletproof? Or did Dig just graze him? I'm fully prepared to accept someone missing a head shot with a handgun in that situation (pretty realistic, actually), but it really seemed that the bullet bounced off his fucking skull. Is this character in the comics?

Fuckers. Gustin seems perfect for the part.

The burgers were a great throwaway gag. It also made me wish I could eat dozens of hamburgers in one sitting.

I saw most of the pilot for Twelve Monkeys. It was… fine, I suppose. I'll probably finish it when I get around to watching it with Mrs. Ma, who expressed some interest. I also showed some friends S1E2 of Black Mirror, and now they're hooked.

"Gad, for his part, seems to be positioning himself as a millennial
answer to Chris Farley or Kevin James. In other words, he falls down a
lot." I sure as fuck hope not.