Dr. Ma

Yeah, that was kind of a cool, throw away visual. Glad the RPG didn't get it.

I thought Sara's death, if that's what it was, was a little unearned. It would have been better to have her die in the finale last season: not only would it have provided better narrative closure, but it would have illustrated the costs of saving the city from Slade. So, a little sloppy, imho.

Vancouver Chinatown, maybe. Hong Kong? No fucking way.

Agreed. That was pretty fucking great. And $10 says the "dead" husband killed in the particle accelerator explosion comes back as a super-villain. Dun dun DUN!

Nice. I just might. Lots of time to kill on the Ride to Nowhere.

Hey that wasn't horrible!

People of Interest: Help me catch up!

This show was so fucking fake. Newspapers in 2024?

I liked it, too, and also agree on the love interest. Ugh. Can't a male character's romantic interest in a woman have more than two gears: pining from the "friend zone" like a creeper, or "moving on" like an asshole? Oh wait. It's the CW. Never mind.

Huh. So straight lines are a maze? That's why it seems more likely it's "maize."

Wouldn't it be "maize head," not "maze head" as he's talking about his corn rows…?

I liked this episode, though the ridiculous premise doesn't bother me, really. As an Old Who fan, my favorite episodes have included Egyptian "gods" living on Mars, a brain in a tank looking for a new host, a Land of Fiction, a dictator from the future masquerading as a Chinese god in Victorian London, etc. etc.

I also thought that was a bit odd. In terms of the timeline, it seemed that Wayne was Batman for like, what, a few months total?

Yep, totally agree. For me, among the weaker aspects of Smith's first two seasons was the implication that we were seeing every adventure. I quite like the idea that we are only seeing a fraction of the Doctor's time with companions, which in itself is only a fraction of the time the Doctor spends doing…whatever he

Wasn't Courtney the student who couldn't concentrate on the lesson because Clara's face was so wide?

Complete agreement!!! When I walk around my campus and see students wearing Doctor Who t-shirts (because they're cool now), I think to myself, "You have no idea…"

Alright. You win.

A Batman series without Batman. Sounds like a genius idea.

You have much more interesting conversations with students during office hours than I do…

How do you know they become internalized? Do you sit down with Clara and have tea and chat about her feelings? She's a fictional character, for Pete's sake. In terms of the stories, they clearly give each other jabs all the time. For some friends, that's how it is. It's a mutual give and take, and one could easily