Kings of Craplon

Comments like these make me wish they had a dislike/thumbs down option. I would like to express my disapproval for this posting without dignifying it with a response.

Not to be pedantic, but that Shake Your Rump sounds more like toms than snares.

Good point except he gave "Harvest Festival" a B+ and also you're an idiot. If anything, this comment belongs on VDW's Community reviews.

My second favorite episode: Monica’s making dinner. And Joey is mad at Chandler because Chandler made out with his girlfriend. So Joey says, ‘Get in the box.’ I forgot to tell you. There’s a box.

That's 3 out of the 4 main characters. You might as well say Chandler is tied for the best character with Joey, Ross, Pheobe, Monica, Rachel, and the coffee shop guy.

It's a shame because I just started that book and I can't put it down.

Whenever I read a story like this I like to imagine Sean Hannity being beaten with baseball bats. That usually helps.

Last year there was a rumor he was leaving to replace Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men which was unfounded. I don't trust your sources @avclub-9e701dfc2f4952d495077c6bf6c3c94a:disqus !

Consider my mind equally blown that you think otherwise.

I even like the Veruca Salt reference to that song in "Volcano Girls" better than the actual song. It's like "We told you bout the Seether before" and such.

Don't like the White Album??? Poppycock. I liked it enough to rank all 30 songs on it a few years ago, a list which I thankfully had handy:

I'm hoping he meant the "Happiness is a Warm Gun"/"Rocky Racoon" White Album, and not the "Glass Onion"/"Savoy Truffle" White Album.

Also "Old Age" "You Know Your Right" etc. The box set has pretty much all the stuff Cobain recorded but never released. It sounds like that Hole guy is a few years late to the party.

"Snark is hostile apathy in the guise of opinion."

Marc Maron is a hilarious dickhead on Twitter. I don't mean that he's funny in a mean way, but that it's funny how much of a dick he is.

Otherwise known as the "Four and a Half Assholes" comedy block.

Am I the only who thought they got married like 5 years ago?

I actually like Oasis too and didn't mean to suggest otherwise. To be honest, the fact that they rip off other songs is sort of part of their identity.

The only reason I know that song is from NHL Hitz 2003 for PS2. Fun game, though in retrospect it wasn't really worth having that awful song ingrained in my head 10 years later.

Is that guy with the weird contact lenses still there? I imagine he would be very hard to replace. They'd either have to find someone with the same exact prescription, or get a new pair of weird contact lenses specially designed for the next guy. That just seems like a hassle.