Lord Gaga

Playing the love interest for a 50 year-old Adam Sandler… ouch.

I would have expected him to bring his best material when going to troll a far-right conspiracy circle-jerk.

Ate himself to death… just like my pal Pizza The Hutt… #neverforget

I always liked Striker, but apparently he got on the bad side of the WWE pretty fast and got shunted out into the wild. (Apparently, Lawler got salty that Striker would point out, directly or indirectly, how little Jerry gave a fuck, and he was punished for it.) Lucha is a perfect home for him, though, so all's well

Cara Delevingne was brought in as an eyebrow consultant. Expensive, yes, but who can put a price on a director's vision?

She does the Jumble in half the time that I do, the little vixen!

It's cute as hell, and the game selection is really strong.

If not, I hope they give her the Emmy next year, as a Return Of The King style 'here's for many years of amazing achievement, even though we're supposed to only go by this year's work, but fuck it, you were great, even if your show was uneven.'

You only say that because Odenkirk's penis is so impressive it was able to derail a train, right before he ate it, piece by piece.

I love Colbert, so I tried way too hard to like it, but it's just bland as hell. It might be okay for someone who has never seen the Report, but once you've seen someone do A+ work, it's almost impossible to watch them slum it.

It's also the preferred insult of the New Misogyny and the alt-right in general. Stick one toe into those waters and you'll see 'cuck' so much you'll think they get paid per utterance.

'Cuck' is the new buzzword of the alt-right; it's basically used in lieu of anti-gay epithets or some other Neanderthal slang for people seen as weak. The New Misogyny uses the word like they get paid per utterance.

It was actually the first album I ever bought at all, as a kid. On cassette, no less. I loved 'Sledgehammer' and thought the video was the coolest thing ever. It took a while before I actually appreciated what a complete and gorgeous record it is. And that the central theme of 'Sledgehammer' is fucking, and not

I think this sort of technology was inevitable anyhow, so I kind of like that we can blame phone-waving assholes at concerts for it. It will be a fitting legacy.

Eh, it was probably just to amuse the kid the concert was held for. Show me one kid who can't appreciate a singin' turlet.

How do these P.R. relationships work? Does Swift's agent call Hiddleston's agent, and then they work out how many months either of them can tolerate the other before moving on to new projects?

Yup. Stiller apparently forgot his line, and simply repeated the last one he could remember. Duchovny just rolled with it.

I used to avoid the whole 'conservatives/reactionaries only live to spite progressives' rhetoric, because it seemed both a little too neat and lazily partisan. Some days, though. Some days…

I wouldn't say "all men" do this, but one glance at Reddit along is proof enough that this mindset is still alive and doing well.

"This sentimental kitten just cost us money!"