Buster Brown

"Try watching again or give it up cause you don't know what good television is. "
These kinds of lines need to stop. They're childish, especially since I said the episode was great ASIDE from Pitt and Mol. It's okay to be troubled with one aspect of a show and still like the show on the whole. Not a tough concept

Pitt was pretty interesting in the first season. He had a range of emotions (tenderness with Pearl and Tommy; angry and murderous with the Chicago crew; resentful and vulnerable with Angela). In Season 2 he's a one note. When he's not violent and angry he's tired and mopey, which is a stand-in for "conflicted." I know

This was definitely a fantastic episode on par with "Gimcrack and Bunkum." My only quibble is with Michael Pitt as Jimmy. It's been said before, but it bears repeating with caps: BOY CANNOT ACT. He plays conflicted as wooden and mopey. Also pink eye. Gretchen Mol is second on my list of non-acting actors. Goddamn,

Agreed. Couldn't stop rolling my eyes when Margaret let down her hair. I feel like this will lead to a lot of sneaking around, petty Katy jealousies, and a big dramatic Nucky blow-up, possibly before he gets hauled off to jail in the season finale. I'm really dreading this.

Tyra must know how ridiculous she and her show is. She's witnessed her Vaseline freakout go viral, and she's called out Kathy Griffin on her impersonations of her. She knows how she's perceived, and, being the smart cookie she is, she's playing to her "brand." The smize-obsessed, mentally unstable, faaabulous brand,

Oh geez. I love Richard Harrow so much I wrote an insane blog post about the "Gimcrack and Bunkum" episode, waxing poetic about his almost-suicide and stern yet gentle conversation with the younger hobo ("These woods is for living, understand me there?"). That Richard, he's so good.

Ugh! This is so right. Damn you! I keep trying to believe that everything will come together in a mind-blowing way, but you've more or less nailed the problem on the head. I just ask that the writers go somewhere with the Jimmy-Gillian incest theme. They've been dropping incesty breadcrumbs all over the episodes;

And Nucky getting his shoes's shined by a man who never misses church. I'm too lazy to try and wrangle a symbolism out of shoes, morality, and protection from the dirty world. Uhhhh…. wait, I think I have something….. no, not really.

"Honor Thy Father" is a great, detailed journalistic account of the Bonanno crime family. Not in the same time as prohibition, but fascinating for illuminating the power plays and politics within the mafia. It's by Gay Talese, who's a fantastic writer. Also "Last Call: The Rise & Fall of Prohibition," which I've heard