
I Guess…
We'll be seeing a Christmas Vacation 3 soon.

I enjoyed Battle for Middle Earth 2 - lame maybe but it's the only RTS I've played on a console that had decent controls (simplify, simplify, simplify)

A review that didn't gush over this film. I too felt it over-sentimental (I know I'm really late in coming to this revelation, I just watched for a film class) but, more disturbingly, I felt this undertone of apologism for the government and an anti-woman tone. I'm sure this wasn't the filmmaker's intention,

Pretty much, and I know this has been said before, but O'Neal is one of the best columnists online.

Well, there's also the bigfoot rape movie 'Ape Canyon'… you can imdb it

Anyone else see the giant dong attack at :24!

"blue things in the house", that is

2nds on Kingdom Hearts, though it might be a grey area. Also, the best SW is easily Battlefront (and BF 2). I didn't care much for any other SW games. So maybe the problem with Movie games is that they are too faithful to the source material. Like finding the clue things in the house. Games shouldn't follow the plot

How about High Fidelity?? I thought had some of the most realistic relationship writing ever, if only because I related to the on-again-off-agin nature and the obsession with mixtapes. But his reaching out to past girlfriends nailed the emotions of revisiting relationships.