
I think it's all of the above. She has way too much Botox (her forehead and eyebrows do not move), a strange wig and inconsistent eyebrows. It was refreshing to see that Lucille just looked a bit older, but could move her face properly.

A plot full of holes, leaden acting from the teens and most of the 'good guys', bad dialogue - this is worse than B-grade - it's trying to be something else - high quality, but it's just shit. I've also been watching The Following and, while the premise is preposterous, it's compelling. It's cheesy but I think it

A plot full of holes, leaden acting from the teens and most of the 'good guys', bad dialogue - this is worse than B-grade - it's trying to be something else - high quality, but it's just shit. I've also been watching The Following and, while the premise is preposterous, it's compelling. It's cheesy but I think it