
Remember folks, Hannibal is the only show on TV that will make you dinner.

Look, you may not like the Goonies, but down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. Up there, it's their time. It's their time up there. And I will be redundant on this fact. On this fact, I shall be redundant.

Am I the only one who found this episode kind of heart-breaking, at least on the Larry/Garry/Jerry front? There's that part where he tells Ben to be quiet after Ben extolls his virtues. Is there any way to read his fall-and-fart at the end as anything but a way to keep Ben away? To make sure he doesn't have any

Which puts a whole new spin on Lord of Illusions.

Huh. Maybe sometimes cancellation is the way to go.

Would it have been any weirder than the Evil Leapers?

Oh boy.