
This is a good list, but I think you need something else from Season 3 here, since at the moment all you have is Blink which isn't representative at all. If someone watched only these episodes they'd have basically no clue who Martha is, for instance, which would be a bit of a shame even though she's probably the

yeah it sucked before the movie came out, but I don't see why that should mean the subsequent improvement in quality is somehow invalid. I'm glad I stuck with it (well, mostly: I skipped like 10-12 episodes in season 1 and it seems like I didn't miss much), since it became pretty good for the last few episodes of

Anyone else think Erik Adams looks a little like a bespectacled Guy Pearce?

I saw her in London a few days ago and she was SPECTACULAR. I don't go to many live shows but I'm so glad I made an exception for her, since she (somehow) sounds even better live than she does on the album, and if you think her guitar solos sound unhinged on record you should hear them when they're played live.

Hooray for guitar solos in non-rock songs! I've been listening to 'Hope You Feel Better Love' by The Isley Brothers recently and Ernie Isley fucking kills it on the guitar solo (which is like 3 minutes long). One of the most underrated guitarists of all time, imo.

Right on, this is exactly how I got into Sonic Youth as well!

I remember seeing this at the London Film Festival a couple of years and quite liking it, despite also feeling very baffled by it also; the ending in particular was a very refreshing way to end it. However, my strongest memory of the film is leaving the cinema afterwards and hearing someone say very loudly "I like how

There wasn't enough room on the poster for him, unfortunately

I saw the first 20 minutes of a musical version of Romeo and Juliet from New Zealand recently. It was the funniest thing I'd seen in fucking ages (very reminiscent of Flight of the Conchords, and not just because of the NZ connection), though I doubt it'll ever get a wide release…

Kate McKinnon should be in a sketch where she plays

I can't believe Sims only vaguely alluded to The Hilary Clinton/Breaking Bad parody, I thought it worked amazingly well, right down to Nasim Pedrad saying how even though Clinton was the 'bad guy' she couldn't help but root for her (and in related news, Nasim Pedrad is alive, hooray!) Admittedly, the rest of the

Father Ted, Night of the Very Nearly Dead

I watched Stromboli the other day and, honestly, I thought it was incredibly tedious. The only other Rossellini film I've seen is Rome Open City, which was compelling because it examined something real, something beyond the control of the characters and showed how they were reacting to it (also the characters weren't

That would be, ahum, rather difficult, considering that Dantooine was destroyed in the first Star Wars movie

I wasn't as keen on it at first, but after a few repeat spins it's grown on me a bit (kinda like part 1, actually). There's definitely more filler here, but on the whole I think it's not much worse than part 1. The first album wasn't that good lyrically either, to be honest, and I didn't really notice any change in

The only one I can remember is that Kaufman wanted the real Chuck Barris to do the narration

I haven't really delved into his discography very much, but from what I have heard there's just something about his voice which I find a bit annoying, which I'm aware is a very subjective complaint. If I did like his voice more I could imagine being a pretty big fan of his. I did like Wise Up Ghost a fair bit, though,

According to Wikipedia his name actually is Wan, which is just as silly, so good call!

The main problem with Korra Book 1 was that it was far too short so the plot got horribly compressed by the end of the series. I thought the first few episodes were very good and then it got steadily worse as the writers ran out of space, hence the sloppiness of some of the writing (like Korra becoming an amazing

Ugh. Once again the AV Club commentariat decides to ostracise and criticise a reviewer for having an opinion which differs from theirs. Dowd explained exactly why he didn't like the film (a film which, by the way, only a handful of people commenting have actually seen, most of whom concede that they are predisposed to