
More than that watching it a few months ago on the FXX marathon it kind of seemed like the episode was treating the whole concept of replacing regular Skinner with Martin Sheen Skinner as one of those the entire town totally gets behind a completely ridiculous idea no questions asked even though it makes no sense kind

Keeler getting mentioned in the stray observations gives me an opportunity to point out that he's written a bunch of great Futurama episodes including "Time Keeps on Slippin" "Godfellas" and every episode that was written as a series finale. Given that information I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I think “The

Personally I think of this as a good news/bad news but the best possible version of that bad news situation.
Does it suck that there will only be one more season? Yeah, but getting the news before they start making it means they can work on a way to end it. I'd much rather have a short running show that felt like it

I was just coming here to say the same thing since Shout has started that streaming thing and this is one of the shows they have up

Yesterday: I get my order from Shout Factory's website of that 10th anniversary box set of all of Home Movies.
Today: You can watch the whole thing for free online through Shout
…well shit

What will forever be a Regular Show mystery is if Muscle Man's "stockbroker" was just a simple conman or was he involved the ants' plot?

I agree, and I also think that The Lich did give us his backstory, or at least as close as we're going to get and as we need:

True, the more I think about it, the more it seems like it's because in that moment you realize that Sweet P is completely his own personality and we don't know if The Lich is trapped beneath the surface and can only come out when Sweet P loses it or is he just sitting and biding his time like he did in the snail for

I don't know about anybody else but Sweet P's "Just a dream" after The Lich had his speech is SUPER unsettling in a way I can't quite identify yet.

"You know what's insane? You dated a man who read a book entitled, "The Secret". You know what that "secret" is? Your ex-boyfriend is a loser.
Oh, but don't tell anybody… secret."

I get the feeling, especially after both "Warp Tour" and "Alone Together" that anything the Gems seem to think is a little unreliable. Not because any of them are untrustworthy, but the show seems to be making a deliberate point, confirmed by the conversation Steven overheard, that they might not always know what

God this episode was amazing, to me at least. Not only is it great that Martin's coming back and we get to see some new confrontation between Finn and Ol' Dad The Human but all the philosophical everything. Not only is Finn's question important philosophically but I kept getting a meta-vibe every time he mentioned

I just rewatched the "Food" episode of Check it Out and I'd forgotten that in the credits John C. Riley is actually one of the creators of that show. He's billed before Tim or Eric so I wonder how much of that change was Riley's influence

Yup. I found the EW article this one mentions the laugh track is definitely in there. It laughed the hardest when Steve puked and said he really broke his hip

Speaking of him, did anyone else think that either The Sovereign or The Investors (or both I suppose) would be related to that thing that came out of the gate and killed the Grand Galactic Inquisitor?
Maybe it was another one of whatever immortal race Killinger is, or maybe I'm reading too much into things. You never

About Brock smoking the E-cig? I thought it meant he'd switched over but then I realized "Oh because it's a space station" I love that this show has that level of detail.

When they reaired "Bot seeking Bot" the other day I actually noticed Brick Frog in Don Hell's nightclub so I assume he got into the Guild instead of the Revenge Society.

Judging from the Birdman commentaries he's on it seems like the insane drifter theory has some weight.

FOR THE GRAVITY FALLS RECORD: https://twitter.com/_AlexHi…
Also you probably should follow Alex Hirsch on twitter because he is always fairly entertaining.