As great as this season is going to be, and from the looks of the trailer at the end, it'll be A M A Z I N G, my one hope is we still haven't seen the last of some of the other characters that are more spy-ish, mainly Barry, because Barry
As great as this season is going to be, and from the looks of the trailer at the end, it'll be A M A Z I N G, my one hope is we still haven't seen the last of some of the other characters that are more spy-ish, mainly Barry, because Barry
what I want pointed out is that at one point Cherry Cream Soda is waiting at home in what could either be a standard maid outfit, or the living soda being version of a sexy maid's uniform, or was I the only one to think that's what they were going for?
I didn't think this episode was that bad, just kind of mediocre really. But then again even mediocre is still a step down for American Dad since it's been having a pretty good to great run for at least the past couple seasons
Personally I kind of think Cordelia was lying a couple episodes back about Madison's heart murmur and there's a good chance she's the next supreme still now that she's back among the living.
Indeed. plus his confetti from his sleeves was just icing on that cake
Seconded I've always liked that one. Nana Mary is always great
Oh okay must have missed that I'll have to look for that when I watch it again.
Also I was kind of hoping it was the end too, in the same way that I hope the Venture Bros. ends eventually, on it's own terms and such, but it seems like Brendon Small has a clear enough plan to be able to end it when he wants.
I don't know about anyone else but personally, I'm really glad this thing looks like it's NOT the series finale.
I always new this would be awesome, but when I thought it might be the end I was worried about how they'd fit getting Toki back and dealing with whatever the hell Selatcia is up to. Once I realized it's…
Moral Orel without a doubt.
Anyone else get the feeling that the "bosses" were just other adventures who've wandered into the train? I kept thinking that's where the plot was going like the ghost gladiator one.
A few weeks back when Futurama ended the comments got into listing off the best/peoples' favorite series finales. One of mine was a preemptive vote for Breaking Bad.
Here's a question;
So maybe it's just me hoping, but I get the strange feeling that Unalaq is being a little too obviously the bad guy for the normal writing of this series. There's gotta be something more to this, I'm thinking something like with the king in Fable 3 for anyone's who has played that
Anyone else get the feeling that while things like the "feeble turtle-duck" line are hilarious, that there might be a plot reason the twins are like that?
I really enjoy this show, there's just something about the style of animation and it's timing that just hits the perfect spot for me and it's hilarious
for those asking "Overclockwise" was also written as a possible finale but then it Futruama got renewed.
In no particular order ATLA's "Sozin's Comet", Moral Orel's "Honor" Fringe's "An Enemy of Fate" Six Feet Under's "Everybody's Waiting". I've always though "The Death of Harvey Birdman" was pretty awesome. I also am just preemptively putting Breaking Bad on here, because the way these last episodes are going you know…
truthfully I've kind of wondered if that very helpful gum with a face from Simon and Marcy was PB around when she first gained sentience, and all the other candy people came into being from her knowing how to create candy life
I'm sure it was just overlooked, but isn't Adventure Time also new tomorrow? I hope they're not stopping coverage of it