
can you imagine Katya and Thorgy locked in a room together? oh! new youtube series for World of Wonder: drag queens solving Escape The Room puzzles!

i think you just described how it was convenient.

makes sense. also suspicious: how Robbie conveniently choked on a challenge that was supposedly in his wheel house, just to be put in a LSFYL that set him up to use his roller skating skills.

I didn't think this episode was bad, either. Then again, it was my first time watching in a crowded bar, so maybe that's why it seemed so exciting.

I think the revenant queen (the movie forced me to look up that word, so I'm going to use it dammit) may just be a gimmick for the next challenge, keeping in line with the whole "A Look Back at the First 100 Episodes" theme. Or maybe it IS Katya, so she can take this crown and leave the All Stars Crown for Alaska

Robbie's talking heads got really old really quickly for me. And her pursed, knowing looks were really unnecessary with how obvious her shade was. It was overkill, like, you're trying too hard, girl.

Jinkx and Max are both theatrical, but their personalities and styles are very different. I don't think there's a ton of overlap there.

Oof the jokes fell so flat in this episode. I was especially disappointed in Ru's wasted guest appearance (though leaning on tired catchphrases seems to be his shtick, so maybe the Muppet writers aren't completely to blame. I say this as a RPDR fan). I did, however, really like what an earnest celebration of the

adjusted for inflation, to the reach the campiness of the original cartoon, all the characters would have to be played by drag queens.

Do you suppose the actual locations have to be in America or do the tropes the seasons pull from just have to be from American lore/urban legends? Asking in regards to your first two suggestions.

I don't mind Denise's character being bland or undefined. Just highlights what a sad substitute for Piggy she is in Kermit's life. And I don't think the point of this episode was Kermit finding his gf a decent birthday present. That plot was just a way to show how Piggy, and none of Kermit's other friends, can make up

but Ginger's knocking Trixie over, Detox lip gag, & Ursula crawl were particularly inspired? If it were any other queen, she would have been made to look flailing & desperate.

Yeah, strange that the judges found that sooo hilarious. What happened to drag not being a contact sport? Trixie got screwed over again.

"I don't want to set Trixie up for failure!" *drags Trixie into the bottom two then sends her home by flopping around the stage for the lip synch*

I dunno, I'm so confused about Kennedy. I don't know why she bores me so much bc she also keeps surprising me at how competent & talented she is at so many things. Her comedic chops blindsided me and I didn't believe my eyes when she did that flip. Yes, her runways are nothing to blog about, but I think she deserves

Agree with Oliver about the challenges being too vague. It seems to be a theme this season (still not sure if the queen were just given nude body suits or it it was up to them to come up with a way to create the illusion. similarly, even the judges didn't seem to realize that each group's Ru Hollywood Story was

haha yeah, not straight-up disney princess. like saccharine, but in a gross way. I thought Ginger was both sweet & disgusting/disturbing, so something along the lines of that.

and then it's just Kennedy taking a nap.

I feel as though Fame lasted this long because of the team challenges. She's admittedly not a performer, & I think being able to be led/coached in a team setting really helped her. Sort of riding on others' performances while she just does OK.

I actually think the walk hindered her. She made it too much or a character, so the ugly outfit kinda made sense. Whereas Violet & Katya more or less treated their runways like normal, which served to highlight how garish they were.