
I was so impressed by the fashion on display. So much better than last year's premiers. However, I agree with Oliver that it was lacking the humiliation element. Hopefully this isn't another symptom of the show taking itself too seriously.

I thought Violet was on the right side of androgynous. Unlike Courtney whose boy bod just didn't match up with her fishy mug.

From her pre-season stuff, I was afraid she might try so hard to be witty as to come off as annoying, but she's already growing on me.

loved her sniping dynamic with Michelle. made the judging portion so much more entertaining (and seemed to include more of their discussion/points of view).

Over-editing and trying to cram in any and all forced emotion and manipulated conflict made last season a bit sucky. I hope the show stops trying to be like the reality shows it used to parody. Not that I'd stop watching either way.

I think Ross & Carson will make the judges' panel more well-rounded personality-wise. Sometimes Michelle and Santino both fell into the same role (dour & snarky).

at least he'll bring more energy, wit, & unique perspective (as will Carson) to the judges' panel than Santino ever did. However I'll have to watch this on mute when my dog's around….

Definitely evoked Tree Trunks for me. Don't think it necessarily means anything or foreshadows the future (like, TT isn't gonna get lava powers or try to get those gems outta IK's crown. Unless….), but I still like the evolutionary line it implies.

Yeah, that first comet definitely had some Lich stank on it, but the one at the end seemed normy, yeah? I like how a lot of the present-day (future?) characters were paralleled in some way in this episode. Like, I don't think Gunther was supposed to be some early form or past life of Finn, just sort of an analog. And

Can't argue with that. I suppose aspects of the game, or how the characters worked in the past, would have to be altered slightly. Maybe they would only get their mallets as a power-up like Toad does with his pickaxe. And maybe the Ice Climbers can only jump/do that rope thing when they are together, so they would be

I know this game is a spinoff of SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD, but I'm still a bit disappointed they didn't take the opportunity to make this an ICE CLIMBERS game. I think the structure & mechanics would have fit perfectly & breathed new life into a dead franchise. …also I just miss them in SMASH BROS

I thought this episode was going to go full Halloween & have Jeff say he eats SOULS, so I was extra surprised/tickled at the SOUP response.

The runway looks were particularly uninspired, especially after Courtney & Bianca showed off their potential headwear. I noticed, however, that the 4 looks could be easily paired up: Bianca & Darienne were redheads in dark-blue gowns, while Adore & Courtney were blondes in skimpy, shiny, silver numbers. Illuminati??

I would actually love to see Courtney host the Australian Drag Race. I think it would suit her better & people (or at least I) would appreciate her a lot more.

Agree 100%. To me, Courtney manages to be both dull & manic at the same time. I've read people say that others just don't get her subtle, sarcastic, Australian humor, but I actually find her pretty broad & shrill. I've seen a TV show where she acted as host & she was much more enjoyable in that. I think the

If anyone can have charisma, what's Courtney's excuse?

Raja created some of the most unique & professional-looking garments in the entire series. Nary a retread & always a surprise. She also knew when & how to incorporate her natural body into her looks. Courtney consistently looks like a skinny brick dressed as a showgirl. Also, Raja was apparently interesting enough to

Courtney has better make-up skills & wigs than Adore, but I don't think her sense of style is that great. It's all bikinis and unwieldy props.

wouldn't there be the same number of episodes? i mean, it's a four-way finale, right? i was confused about this, but i thought Ru clarified it in last night's episode.

yeah, this isn't the first time his judgement's been clouded by his boner.