
Even if that's the case, I don't think Darienne's was that much better than Dela's. I was pretty bored with both & was anticipating a double elimination, actually. Which would have been a huge kick in the teeth since the last time they LSFYL'ed against each other they were both saved.

I love Adore, but the shade thrown in Untucked (I think by Darienne) was spot on. I forget the exact quote, but it was a very quick & subtle statement about implying that Ru is structuring the game to keep Adore around as long as possible.

Willam didn't move an inch from the stage when she hurled; Brandon skittered away. Willam's throne of vomit remains un-usurped.

If there's one criticism I could make about her bug outfit (more like an idea I think would be interesting than an actual criticism, really), it would be to have the bug elements incorporate more naturally into a real-looking dress/hairstyle. Regardless, it still managed to avoid the out-of-place costumery of

Though I had to scratch my head when multiple judges were so impressed that Ben "moved JUST like a bug!" Like, she kinda trotted out while hunched over, but OK. Still a really cool ensemble.

I'm a big Adore fan but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for her going up against Trinity. And wasn't it Adore who did the weird little butt plomp move? I thought it was neat.

I feel like she asked Ru for guidance just to look like she was really applying herself & not to actually get advice. Like when you ask those BS questions to the interviewer when applying for a job.

I really think Ben should have gotten the V over Courtney. Her interview was better & her runway was more unique. I guess they didn't want someone to have 3 wins already. Courtney's outfits always look so costume-y to me and I think it's because they always emphasize what a boyish, brick body she has so they appear to

I was very surprised Joslyn was safe, too, considering how much better Trinity's runway look was. I really didn't think she should have been eliminated, but at least she exited with grace. That's how you sashay away, LAGANJA. That's how you be NOT TERRIBLE, LAGANJA.

ha yes! as she said in her MTQ: "I'm two tons of twisted steel & sex appeal!"

I could get behind a Drag Boot Camp show headed by Bianca. Like Drag U, but for aspiring drag queens & not boring.

I think Adore has alluded to LaGanja's coming from a well-off family.

I really enjoyed that Joslyn is growing out of her hero-worship for Courtney & becoming her own queen, but she still lost some points from me this week. I didn't like her wishy-washy read-esque commentary of Adore & her runway looks are rather busted. Her makeup, this week especially, looked like a worn out Lucille

Agreed about Courtney. And I didn't care much for her B&W look. It looked like a prop made from foam rubber & construction paper. I feel like the criticism Dela got about hiding behind costumes could be applied to Courtney, too. Actually, I don't think that criticism really fits Dela at all; I feel her "lack of

I'm hoping Darienne has an attitude change because I really want to root for her. I disagree with Oliver & really liked her B&W runway look. I feel like it's a silhouette that hasn't been done before, which was especially surprising because I feel like the big girls always go for pretty similar looks (give or take a

omigod THAT'S why Darienne has this seemingly arbitrary feud with Dela: she didn't share her cheesecake from the first episode! Escandalo

I can't tell if her lamenting her lack of a support system & how hard her life has been is an actual delusion she has or a story she was trying to create for the show. I'm kinda hoping it's the latter, but both are pretty unsavory.

I personally loved the banter & teasing between Michelle & Leah. Especially when it's revealed they actually agreed about a bad commercial, but Leah just wanted to give Michelle shit.

fanned out on the pillow / bimbo bride of Frankenstein. tomato / tomahto.

I think that's why she's getting so catty with Adore. I wouldn't be surprised if LaGanja was the type to person to be friends with Adore because it made her costumes & dancing look better by comparison. Now that the focus has shifted to charisma & wit, Adore is the star and LaGanja can't haaaandle iiiiiit.