
Loooove Bianca. She's so crass & mean but also so level-headed & practical (& talented). Like Oliver said, she's not just trying to be a bitch; she gives out constructive criticism & share her knowledge as a professional. Given, that's all wrapped in a thick layer of sarcasm, but she came off as an insightful, though

Judges didn't talk much, but they spoke through their great reactions. I also liked Linda Blair's toothpaste-commercial pose after her "giving head" joke & her boob-adjusting during Ru's shrieking.

Joslyn has grown on me a bit, too. Mostly because I'm starting to think that her air-headedness is actually a conscious character decision on her part; it would be super annoying if that's how she really was. The fact that she pulls off ditzy so naturally (rather than stilted & affectedly like some other queens) &

The vapid silliness can be entertaining for a moment, but without the strong foundation of a complete character underneath it like others have (Bianca, Dela, etc) it gets one-note pretty quick.

More Laganja credit: she actually seemed like a real person, rather than a cliche-honking pull-string doll, in Untucked when giving her pep talk to Vi.

I watched it again and was about to post that quote & would like to add "When a straight man meets a woman who thinks like a man, it’s a match made in heaven." It still really sounds to me like she's dishonestly leading them on (I mean, they ARE straight according to her) & I find it pretty…. disenchanting to say the

Yes, very unique insight (especially for TV). It reminded me of a section from John Waters' "Role Models" where he talks about a friend who would seduce sexually-repressed/aggressive & potentially dangerous men.

Yeah, I have to go back & re-watch because I may have misheard. I though they were two different parts of the same discussion.

I feel like she was trying to jokingly be a bitch but the delivery was totally off & rather than correcting course, she just doubled-down, which dug her in a deeper hole. It takes skill to simultaneously as mean & yet as likeable as Bianca is.

I dunno…. to me it looked like she was doing it on purpose to look wacky and get the camera's attention. Also, her bragging about tricking straight guys into sleeping with her was reeaaaallly creepy.

Why is being annoying a problem? Um, I guess I don't know how to answer that without just going in a circle…

The split premiere might add some competitive drama, too. ViVacious was already adopting an US V THEM attitude at the end of Untucked. And if there's more reason for the contestants to fight, there's less reason for the producers to try to force those annoying sob circles.

I just watched the 10-minute preview for the second part of the premiere and you're so right. Next to the others in her group, Gia seemed not-so-bad to me, but compared to the latter batch….. no dice. Queens 8-14 are actually witty & have personalities that don't reek of tired catch phrases & strained effort.

Gotta side with Michelle on this one. Dela's terminally cheerful character is bordering on annoying yappy puppy. Like, it's so over-the-top that it's between quirky persona & wacky cartoon.

I expected to hate Gia & Adore, but I found them to be the most genuinely quirky/interesting of the group. No so with LaGanja. She was a pull-string doll, just shouting worn-out phrases in a very unnatural, clearly affected way.

Except there's not much interesting about Courtney Act…. She's maybe *too* polished, professional, & polite to make an impact. She's like a mix between Chad & Ivy.

Agree almost 100% with your assessment of the contestants. Though I started out with much more of a negative perception of Adore, she is quickly growing on me. Her personality, while large & unique, doesn't come off as nearly as forced as Laganja or Dela. Another queen that slapped me in the face with my own

Though the particulars of Ooo & Finn's desire to quest made it very analogous to MMOs, I think the dungeon train represented a broader idea of masturbatory spirals. Finn retreated into familiar territory that made him feel good, but provided no substance or challenge to make him grow as a person (like how the biscuits

Yeah the concept of the show is really interesting & the campy over-the-top-ness of it is great, but the structure really needs to be tightened. It was difficult to follow along with the competitive aspect since the deaths/games seemed to lack a formula/set of rules. This was especially the case for the finale; I

@underscorex:disqus But if that's why she's locked up, why did she look so much younger committing the crime than when she went to prison?