
Do we ever learn why Watson (track star) is in jail? She seems to have aged quite a bit between the bank robbery & her imprisonment, so I'm assuming there's much more to her story.

Speaking of in-jokes, as much as I prefer scenes that don't have Larry, I'm hoping he tries to smuggle Chapman a metal file via apple pie at some point. I'm not holding my breath, though.

With how much twisting of the truth & outright lying there's been from the non-prisoners to save face, get revenge, or even just to feel powerful, I have a feeling Healy is going to weasel out of this one. I mean, it's his word versus that of one inmate that just brutally attacked another. Also, I think it's safe to

Another boy band shout-out: Franco's chalkboard wall had something like "NKOTB for ever!" written on it. This movie's all about groups o dudes.

My suspension of disbelief can be shutdown by very particular & odd details. In this movie, it was the demon's lack of balls. I mean, if they're gonna show his dong, why not go whole hog? Is it a ratings thing?

I know this is a week after the fact, but I JUST realized the connection between Sharon's Pee-Wee Herman finale outfit and Alaska's most criticized look (dressing as a boy for the kid's show)! I know it's just coincidence, but still….

Ru said on Twitter that it's been cancelled.

There isn't a problem. The editors have to pick & choose what to show to create accessible characters & continuous stories. I'm saying that I think there's more to Jinkx than what was shown. The side of her that may cause her to lose fans (annoying theater kid) got cut, while the side of her that would make fans feel

It really depends on the person. I've heard a safe rule is to use feminine pronouns when she's in drag and masculine if he's not in costume. You can't read their minds & automatically know how they want to be addressed at a given time, so mistakes are bound to occur & should be taken in stride.

I think you've hit the nail on the head & would enjoy listening to the interviews you mentioned if you can provide a link.

@holydoubleidentity:disqus I believe Vicky is Detox's drag daughter. I forget where I heard that & have no link to back it up, but why not spread some possibly false information, eh?

On today's Elimination Lunch, Alaska advises future competitors not to be bitchy just to stay in the competition because while the producers will love it, the audience won't. Then Michelle tried to defend the constructed dramas by saying that EVERYONE loves to watch fighting on TV. I love you Michelle, but no.

In a way, it does, since it's about hyperbolizing & contorting gender norms. Otherwise it's just a beauty pageant. Like you said, art forms evolve and morph, but it should be the doing of the artists & not the people stopping by to take a look.

I didn't say it was a 'positive' edit. I said it was a 'sympathetic' edit.

I really wanted Alaska to win, but what I'm really upset about is Ivy stealing Miss Congeniality from Alyssa! Ivy was nice, but so boring & lacking in personality. HARRUMPH.

Was it just me or was Roxxxy's mini clip-show much more unflattering than both Jinkx & Alaska's? I feel like the majority of Roxxxy's showed her failing a challenge while the successes of the other two were highlighted.

I disagree. Alaska had to deal with being in Sharon's shadow & was faced with a difficult decision & possible alienation with the Rolaskatox story, but she made the right choices in both situation & proved how capable a performer she is & what strong character she has. Jinkx, on the other hand, was made to look like a

@avclub-981ec2327e01401e552164ed7314d4b0:disqus Until she gets a song that's specific to herself, I count "Boy Is a Bottom" as Vicky's. The video heavily featured her & a lot of people (on Twitter, at least) considered her the stand-out diva in it.

I'm all for letting more people see & experience drag cultures, but they need to realize that their sets of values, standards, etc can be very different & should refrain from trying to make them conform to their own.

I was glad that Roxxxy was so happy & supportive of Jinkx's win (though she probably already came to terms with that fact she wouldn't take the crown), but I was so crestfallen by Alaska. She always seemed so self-assured and over the whole drama of the competition, so seeing her sob was kind of a shock, though