
That's one thing I dislike about RPDR: Drag is a COUNTERculture, but the more popular this show gets, the more people try to make it another Miss USA. It irks me when people get all FCC or try to make it fit into mainstream entertainment (and I'm not even from that world, so I can't imagine how frustrating it is for

Check out her new parody "Silicone" (with Willam & Vicky, of course). It is hilarious & oddly humanizing.

She was flawless - looked like a still from an Old Hollywood movie. Though she looked so tiny next to Ru, didn't she?

Whatever was on her chest/neck was too big & puffy. It made her look like she was constantly falling backwards or drowning. I keep wanting her to pull off the Rainbow Bright Realness more effectively.

True, she deserves a lot of credit, but I can totally see that she got the sympathetic edit, too. Last week's clip show has kinda led me to believe that Jinkx is more of a spazzy/annoying theater-kid stereotype than she was made to look. I wouldn't doubt there were times she got on people's nerves (especially during a

I figured the ketchup was going to be blood, but the reveal of the "Menstru-rant" caught me completely & delightfully off-guard. It had me both guffawing & clutching my pearls.

It is, according to the T-Shirt I go swimming in.

This episode fell flat for me mostly because of how underutilized Roseanne was. Again. Then again, I can't expect them to cater to all us Rosie fanboys. ….we're all Rosie fanboys, right?

I totally agree (as do Tom & Lorenzo: http://www.tomandlorenzo.co… ). The charm of RPDR is how it's a janky satire of reality competitions, so it was unfortunate that last year's reunion/finale was taken so seriously (kinda like Roxxxy's attitude towards drag). Hopefully the list of social media platforms available

As much fun as Linda's song could have been, it wasn't substantial enough to not feel tacked-on. It also didn't help that it wasn't actually part of the episode. Though I did appreciate the "Anything Goes" vibe I got from it.

Maybe it's the Darkest-Timeline Study Group to whom Chang keeps talking on the phone…..

@avclub-c32efcb7f667f6c5def39db8eda2e6ce:disqus I'd love to see a queen taking fake sips then pouring the drink into her purse or an Interior Illusions piece (or just do what Shangela did & throw it at another contestant).

Oh my… I was completely unaware of Felt (though I have seen the PSA with the Avenue Q puppets, so perhaps a trend IS forming). That show does not sound promising & this coming from someone who has an abnormally high tolerance for all things puppet & Muppet (not including those From Space, of course).

I hope the puppet bitch-fest doesn't become another annual challenge. I think three of those is enough (Snatch Game, Reading in Fundamental, Top 4 Extravaganza Ball) & I'm sure there are plenty of ways to frame the "let the queens blow off some steam and snipe at each other" premise.

Don't forget all the Absolut cocktails. I'm sure that helps get TV-worthy moments from the queens.

Oh, I had assumed she was pointing out how her jaw WASN'T moving (& that Michelle's reaction was edited in). Though Jinkx clearly won, I don't think Detox did as poorly as it seems. Some of those faces she was pulling were hilarious and Alyssa-worthy.

Was anyone else thrown off by the new sound effect (frying-pan clank) they used for Alaska's reaction to Coco's "Critiques don't bother me"? Really made me realize how the show cycles through the same noises & music cues so often.

Sounds good, as long as Miss Consin (from Wisconsin, naturally) isn't a booger.

sooner & literally. they had men from the Navy there, so it would have been possible….

What criteria did Coco think they're being judged on? She always said Jinkx was "all comedy & no talent" & that she should have been eliminated for her lack of glamor/polish. Then this episode she whines that Roxxxy is "all makeup & no talent". If it's not performing or styling, what is this talent Coco supposedly has