
I thought Detox's partner looked very similar to Varla Jean Merman, but I feel as though he reminds me of someone else even more. I just can't put my finger on who…

The quirky & sometimes irreverent juxtaposition of a medium usually associate with kids' entertainment & adult humor. Also, colorful, singing, dancing, misfits who are obsessed with being glamorous/avant garde stars and putting on a show? There's more than a little of a gay sensibility to the Muppets.

They keep ragging on the quirky girls, Alaska & Jinkx, but they are the only two that haven't had to LYSFYL yet. Their selective ignorance of the facts is impressive.

And attitude is way more important than glamor/comedy/singing/etc when it comes to Miss Congeniality. Past winners all had their own talents, but the thing they have in common are their unique & infectious personalities. For me, Alyssa is the most interesting & charming person in the bunch (Detox is cocky, Roxxxy is

Coco Powder would work better if her make-up weren't the color of Tang Powder.

Yeah, I really don't get the pageant girls' criticisms of the comedy queens & hypocrisy & the lack of logic is annoying. They say that the comedy queens are resting on one trick and need to be an expert at a wider variety of things, but they themselves are resting on look (which is a much less versatile and

Yeah, the leggings were too punk-y goth while the rest of her costume was more classically goth. I wish all the black didn't blend in together, too. I couldn't see the detail in the lace or differentiation in the layers. That's probably just a result of seeing it on a screen, though.

I think Jinkx is finally starting to take ownership of her own awesomeness rather than putting up a giant wall of sad-sack modesty, but her inability/refusal to stick up for herself against the pageant queens & the whole "water off a duck's back" thing is quickly going from endearing to irritating. She's still my top

ALYSSA FOR MISS CONGENIALITY!!! She is the loopy great aunt who you suspect may be a bit dangerously unhinged for real, but she has the best stories about the wigs she lets you try on, so whatever. I wish we could have seen her without Noco (I know, it's a lame portmanteau, but it's staying) there trying to distract

I don't know if it was an intentional reference, but Octavia Spencer said she wanted to changed Harriet Tubman's name to Harriet TUBGIRL in an episode from the last season. Now I have an excuse to rewatch the entire series (look for hidden references to shock sites).

I wish their was a connection between the name Gunther & the show Cheers. That would tie everything up in a nice, heart-wrenching bow. Maybe Simon was also a fan of Friends?…

Who/whatever the sentient bubblegum was, it was really reminded me of the helpful, omnipresent fungus that Princess Daisy's father was de-evolved into in the Super Mario Bros. movie.

Fry's worms weren't that helpful when they were trying to kill his friends. Also, Nick got his powers while the worms will still in his eyes, not after they left.

Star Wars came to my mind, too. Also, the whole "parasitic worms that actually improve the host" thing reminded me of Futurama. Though the down-side of Fry's worms was much more philosophical and less physically awful.

@eric827:disqus Here's a link to Willam's Feast of Fun interview, where I believe she touches on her double-booking (if not, she delves into a lot of other behind-the-scene bidnuss). I can't remember if she talked about trying to lip sync in place of Princess in this interview, but I did see that story on her blog. I

I'm sorry. That runway look scarred me. I think I've brought it up in almost every episode's recap this season, but to me it perfectly sums up Coco's delusion that she's an adorable sweetheart despite her being a bitch who can't take what she dishes out.

You have strange & specific qualifications for what makes someone fun to hang out with. Though I can't say I disagree.

Seeing her outside of RPDR, it seems Phi Phi just got swept up in the competition & her own assertive drive to win. She seems to have mellowed & she's on good terms with Sharon apparently. It seems like most of the queens this season are thoroughly over Coco & her bullshit, though.

Maybe they wanted the Final Showdown to be both Coco's & Alyssa's third time LSFYL-ing. It'd heighten the tension (if anyone actually cared about their "feud") being that it's usually three strikes & you're out on this show (save Alexis).

That "Who's your daddy" thing really added another level of uncomfortable to the layer cake of creepiness that was Coco's baby-doll look from earlier this season.