
"Why was Coco so mad that Jinkx came back at her?  Coco started it - it's not like JInkx came out of nowhere with that great read.?"

It's probably because of editing & the power of suggestion, but I can *kinda* see how Jinkx's self-depreciating modesty can come off like fishing for compliments. I don't agree with it, but I can see how it can be interpreted that way.

RuPaul is so old she's changing her name to RuMcClanahan. …OK, I'll see myself out.

I, too, am surprised at how much Alyssa is growing on me. I think a big part of it is how unaware of how ridiculous she looks or how bad she is at something & just has fun doing it. Then once someone points out how ridiculous she is, she has even MORE fun. She has proven that she can laugh at herself & not take

I thought Coco really exceeded expectations & I was unpleasantly surprised by how she was able to create such an over-the-top character & keep herself safe. I say "unfortunately" because I would have much rather her failed like I expected & seen her go home. PhiPhi was overly aggressive, but Coco is spiteful &

Same. I mean, I knew they wouldn't kill off a main character & that she's just a cartoon so it wouldn't really matter anyways, but I was breath-holdingly nervous for her. I don't want anything to happen to our national treasure Tina.

Leslie Knope v. Ivy Winters: Who wore it better???

I actually wish she had played up her Lisa Frank, glitter rainbow realness. The first episode made it seem like that would be the base of her style/persona, so she fell really flat & faded into the background until she brought it back on this episode's runway (thought it was a bit of a mess). Last episode's runway I

That part actually made me a bit uncomfortable. It's all fun and games when they are shooting barbs back & forth at each other & actually eager for a fight, but Alyssa really shut down & seemed to get really self-conscious when they made fun of her weight. And the fact that everyone, even sweet Jinkx, was laughing

I already liked Alaska, but her struggle with choosing between being complacent with the clique & actually pushing herself to new levels really solidified my love for her. I think she showed a ton of heart & vulnerability through her deliberation, modesty, & sincerity this episode, but apparently the judges couldn't

I could be remembering incorrectly, but Coco wasn't read by the judges when she came out in her nightmare-inducing baby doll outfit, was she? That outfit wasn't glamorous, the makeup was off, & how she presented it on the runway just made it worse (no humor or irony. She was just a dude really trying to be a little

I, too, can not stand Coco. I find myself liking Alyssa just in spite of her & think Alyssa would actually be more entertaining and relatable if Coco (and that forced feud) were gone. Coco relies on starting fights with the other queens to get camera time, but it always looks so unnatural & overblown when she does.


I thought Roxxxy had a BF.

As much as I don't care for Coco, she turned out that LSFYL. Serving Darla Dimple realness.

Glad Alyssa called her out for trying to play the victim. Hopefully Coco was just doing that for the cameras & doesn't actually think that way. The way she mugs & tries to act so precious for the cameras is so annoying & is made even creepier by how old she looks. Her runway this week highlighted that even more. It

A Hunger Games reference? OMG, Chad Michaels, it's YOU!!!

I think the criticism was uncalled for. She created a character & changed her personality & appearance to complete the illusion. It doesn't matter that she was a playing a boy (she should have said she was just playing a really butch tomboy), but Ru is looking for a very specific type of drag that doesn't include

If I remember correctly she was on the top right corner of the bed.

@avclub-72085404bc24959bbd79392bc8ad27d0:disqus You're right; Disney didn't actually own the Muppets until 2004. However, Disney did collaborate on the films between Henson's death & their purchase of Muppet Studios (MFS was not one of them, though, meaning the drop in quality was due to Henson's death & not