
Can I just say I'm built similarly to Joan (I wish I was that tall) and everything looks "like that" on me. Its not like boobs are those slutty shoes you only wear on wear on the weekend . They come to work with ya every day and unless I'm wearing a turtleneck muu muu they're going to be obvious.

Something grabbed my attention for a split second as the tape started rolling, so I wasn't sure WHAT the heck they did until I read this review. I haven't watched live tv in so long, totally missed the rewind option.

For the record, Albuquerque is not flat, its surrounded by mountains and doggone hilly, just ask the skateboardin' twins!

That explains why the ending montage was so drawn out, sutter had to fit in the song he wrote. Thus the low sped cop chase, umpteen shots of Wendy, Nero and the kids in the car, and all the symbolic crow .

Really. What was in this season that couldn't have been skipped and condensed to one final episode after Tara's death? The only thing I can think of is the "when are they going to figure out it was Gemma?" suspense.

that was me…yay me! lol

I would have upvoted just for "choosing the song"

Oh yeah, wow, I haven't seen anyone else comment on that yet. I was sure y'all would be on that one. The suspense!!! The flying babydolls!!!

Well, I almost called the last scene-I predicted it would be Abel's hand with the ring, which they showed, but no, they had to make the last scene the crow and the blood.

I haven't read all the comments yet but if it hasn't been said, I call next week's closing shot is Abel with his "Son" ring.