I don't really give a shit if Glee covers more Beatles, but I will not deny that Kurt Hummel's "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" floored me.
I don't really give a shit if Glee covers more Beatles, but I will not deny that Kurt Hummel's "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" floored me.
Well, he did go off to college. That should make it easy. I suspect it will be along the lines of Regina Morrow's infamous "the one time you do drugs, you die" death in Sweet Valley High.
Well, Constance Marie (Regina) tried to learn ASL expertly very very fast, and ended up injuring herself so hard that she can't do it any more. At the very least, we should be able to look forward to this with Jace, eh?
I used to have a girlcrush on Daphne when the show started. This has gradually gone away as the character continues to make pretty shitty life decisions, especially when dudes are involved in the last half a year or whatever. But this episode, when it was Daphne's own idea to steal the dude's cash, broke me of the…