
What a motherfucking shame that Bulls-Lakers is the spotlight.  The Mavs raise the motherfucking banner today, bitches!

Her affinity for trash TV is not new news.  She gave an American Idol episode an A+ once.  I know, I was shocked to learn that American Idol gets reviewed on this site, too.

For what?  Listing The Big Bang Theory?

"it's unheard of to have arguably the worst TV show of the year to air along side one of the best TV shows of the year."

I've read this three times, and I'm still not quite sure what you're trying to say.  If your position is that 2 shows on the same network must be of similar quality, I don't imagine you'll find much support here.  Congratulations on your new job at Showtime, though!

And?  How were the waffles?

I think 1 person did that.

Is it really, though?  I caught one episode and it seemed almost exactly like ____________ (all the other police procedurals in the world).  There were a couple of vague references to people in town not liking one of the guys "because he's a Grimm," but that's about it.

December 12, 2011? They couldn't look at a calendar and pick out an actual Saturday?

"My guidance counselor told me that once - that I don't have to be a waste of space - but somehow, when Katy Perry says it, and there are fireworks coming out of her boobs…it really reaches me." - Butthead

This one is different!  The doctors are the bad guys too!

Just so you know, there was a Happy Days episode where Fonzie literally jumped over a shark, AND IT WAS THE BEST ONE!

A URL shortener?  Yeah, I'm not going to click that.

womp womp

You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!

Damn. I was hoping this WAS the Tim Allen show.

You suck.

I want to sincerely applaud the staff for a good effort here.  Like TVD, I possess a playlist entitled "Christmas music that doesn't suck."  I've spent several years curating it, and it still has less than 50 songs.  The point is, a list like this is only slightly more restrictive than "Name all of the music that

Bush's "Glycerine."  In related news, I'm here to turn myself in for questioning.

I would trade the Patriot Act for a nu-metal comeback.  Better than Nickelback/Staind/etc, right?  RIGHT?!