Jeffrey Harharwood

I tackled a loafer at work today.

I started Bloodborne yesterday. Despite having never played a Soulsborne game before and usually playing games on easy, the $20 price tag convinced me to go for it. As expected, I'm getting my ass kicked, but I have been making strides. I'm 0-for-5 against the Cleric Beast: I know how to beat it, but I haven't been

(Shoves Gene Simmons into trash can)

Oh yeah! Cheeeeeese. Didn't we lock him in a dumpster one time?

Saying "Argh, McGloin!" in a manner similar to George C. Scott yelling "Argh, my groin!" in Man Getting Hit by Football also works.

My biggest fear as a Rock Band player is my guitar crapping out. I should have bought a couple extra back when they were reasonably priced instead of what they are going for on Amazon nowadays. Here's hoping they come out with something for the new generation of systems.

I am Chu, and so can you!

My plans to binge watch House of Cards were interrupted, but I was able to watch In Bruges, which I really enjoyed. I'm also reading Infinite Jest. I'm about 90 pages through it and it's been a challenge so far, but I'm hoping that there will be a point where everything clicks for me. I also played The Last of Us:

I'm going to be playing The Last of Us: Left Behind and doing some random side quests in Kingdoms of Amalur, and probably some GTA: Online.

I just finished The Disaster Artist and am currently reading Doctor Sleep.

I started The Last of Us. I'm about a third of the way through it, and damn that game is intense. But I guess that game wasn't soul crushing enough, because I also played the first chapter of The Walking Dead: Season 2.

I watched the first nine episodes of Orange is the New Black. It's really good. I also watched MST3K: I Accuse My Parents.

I was the assistant wardrobe man on Spartacus. If you come to the 1 p.m. show at the Alex Theatre you can hear me offer some fascinating aspects into the production.

I'll be switching between Grid 2 and Binary Domain, and maybe working towards getting 100 percent on GTA 5's single player.

Where's my burrito?

The solo in 'Aqualung' is a thing of beauty.

Man of Steel: This is the Rhythm of the Knight

They Have Internet on Computers Now?: Post 500 Simpsons quotes.

I just finished Chuck Hogan's Devils in Exile and started Al Jourgensen's autobiography.