George Oscar Bluth Jr

YES Chris Messina is the only reason I'm still watching.

YES Chris Messina is the only reason I'm still watching.

Agree with not caring about Chris but I love Lexie, she's awesome!
I get so excited to see her in ghost/flashback episodes.

Agree with not caring about Chris but I love Lexie, she's awesome!
I get so excited to see her in ghost/flashback episodes.

Also…Brad almost throwing up at the end.

Also…Brad almost throwing up at the end.

Dave in those sunglasses killed me.

Dave in those sunglasses killed me.



YES this is exactly what I think!
I hope so, I like Mason and his ridiculous way of speaking.

YES this is exactly what I think!
I hope so, I like Mason and his ridiculous way of speaking.

Ugh, Bonnie.

Ugh, Bonnie.

Whoa yeah what if Stefan and Rebecca are actually working together??

Whoa yeah what if Stefan and Rebecca are actually working together??

I want to like this show way more than I actually do. 
I came for Mindy Kaling, but I'm staying for Chris Messina.He's by far the best part of the show!

I want to like this show way more than I actually do. 
I came for Mindy Kaling, but I'm staying for Chris Messina.He's by far the best part of the show!

Everything that Mason Treadwell said was golden and ridiculously over the top.

Everything that Mason Treadwell said was golden and ridiculously over the top.