George Oscar Bluth Jr

Avery's tears in that last scene were SO GOOD.
How did he go from the worst to the best?!
After Juliette obvi.


Wait that would be a great song. Or at least, it would definitely chart.

The Hour slayed me.


I remember watching one episode of this show last season for a project and being pretty into it, these reviews have convinced me to start! Worth it to watch from season 1?

Why do we know absolutely nothing about Harrison?
All of the other associates have backstories and he has nothing.

I gave the TV a lot of thumbs ups.

Joe Mande…

YES I thought she was writing her e-book about fake OCD!
That really threw me.

Gunnar is a really good crier.

I really liked this…I mean yeah it's crazy but I'm down.

I wasn't down.

Come on!

I think of myself a mild Belieber who generally knows about random pop culture bits, but wtf is glice??

Have you seen the promo for next week…?

I think he was referring to when they dated before he was with Rayna.


Don't know if anyone else has pointed this out, but remember when you were talking about macro vs micro? Here's an excerpt from an interview Callie Khouri did with Vulture that answers that-

Yes this yes.