Cornfish Pie

O'Neal is being a little dismissive.  Only about 4% of the book is about what a little bitch Mick Jagger is. Quite a bit more is about doing drugs, living in expensive digs, staying up all night, getting hassled by the police, writing songs and playing guitar.

Seconded. it was the AVC UC of Mother that sent me into the night saying "All right all right all right I gotta get this record!"

Government student loans are generally canceled upon decease. private loans "carry through" in the sense that the bank can collect against your estate and, what's generally more important, against any co-signers. Credit card debts can't be collected against people's kin, unless they were dumb enough to guarantee that

Aren't labels based on modes of consumption pretty meaningless? Didn't anybody else see "They Live"?

Mr. & Mrs. Smith - it is absurd - but more absurd than anything else that happens in these movies?

Hey what about the Hold Steady? or does someone think Heaven is Whenever is sub B+? that's the only one that's close.

I have high opinion of Wong Kar Wai and generally agree with the Nabin. But not on this one. Although not a terrible movie, it is eminently forgettable. While I think the WKW-Godard comparison is apt, I can't think of a single Godard film (and he made plenty of bad ones) that was as uninteresting and, to use an

Yes. That's Atlantic and Flatbush. The big building with the clock is the Williamsburg Bank building and directly in front of it is the Atlantic Mall, built by the same developer.

@Yes She's Something

Some kind of proverb or something.

I's about to say, does she play Dean or Sal? There's no meaningful female roles in the book.

mad men
have to say pretty happy to hear Mad Men is going to be available streaming.

Thanks, Cocktail. you know the books comments are much less populated than the music or film ones, right? Or the Sheen-a-thon.

Strange-o. Glen Hansard and Chan Marshall couldn't find better things to do than help Eddie Vedder with his solo all-ukulele project? Was this done on a bet? It's probably that they were all drunk at a Tiki Bar and Eddie says, "hey, you know guys, I've got a great idea for an awesome record!"

Kate Moore

@Reformed Calvinist - "taking up space on the radio" - that is damning with the faintest of praise.

Me and Vanessa Hudgens.

A Gatsby thread hijacked by Murakami and no one mentions Norwegian Wood? For shame. It is a tremendous and incredibly sad book that manages to live up what seems like a cliched overblown beginning. Tied with Bird Chronicles as my favorite.

Agreed - t Piano Fire from Sparklehorse's "It's A Wonderful Life"? is a great song.

Shakespeare was a bad bad movie. Was it worse than Crash? Hard to say less pretentious and annoying so probably less bad.