
Hell to the yes

Looking back on this episode. I thought it was kind of dull. But the events that end of the season should make for a better rewatch

We know Naz didn't have a change of clothes but Box doesn't know that. And all the evidence has not been handed over for the defense to examine. Stone doesn't know of this issue yet.

This Ep was the business. Wally West and Jessie Quick? Bring it on! That last scene had me in my feelings for a second there. I guess it's safe to say Snow will be Earth 1 Killer Frost.

It's not like he had super speed and is able to do things faster than the eye can see.

Because they're comment section critics. They have no love for your awesome hour of television.

I say it's Jay from a future timeline and the velocity 9 messed him up some kind of way. So he's back in this timeline trying to prevent it from happening but "our Jay" has already taken it…

I know they can't make it happen every week but Flash taking out a meta by himself was gave me a rush.

They are bringing Wally along slowly. Since everyone knows he'll be the flash someday.

He just saw a man run on water and defeat a huge freaking shark wearing pants.

I called it "Jay is,Zoom" The velocity 9 gave it away as well as the Hunter Z doppelganger. The Jay lying about Zoom stealing hos speed. And if you are a fan of Agents of Shield, Jay was a little too much like boring Grant Ward. So he has to being hiding his even ways in plain sight, I thought.

Nailed it!

Her father dies a day ago she should be planning a funeral getting in contact with family members and not at all working aide by side with the person who killed her father.

They shouldn't look at their trip to earth 2 as a success. Wells got his daughter back but they left a huge mess in their wake.

I'm with you on this. I think the twist is that the guy "fake Jay" identified as Hunter Zolomon is actually from another timeline. The real Jay is the guy in the mask.

Why not? They did it in season 1 with Well/ Thawne. Why not up the ante in season2?

It is and Earth 1 Jay is not Jay. He is actually hunter zolomon. Zoom is Hunter Zolomon from another timeline

Jay is really the man in the mask in the cell. The guy posing as Jay earth one is Hunter Zolomon. And Zoom is from another timeline but he is Hunter Zolomon also . There I called it!

Yes he has

I have to give it up to the writers of this show. They surely know how to take advantage of a sweet gig. I mean nothing about this episode made sense.