Champion - The Drinker

Very good sir.  I especially like the rhyme you found for 'off'.

These were intended to all be part of the same arc, as the original concept of the Borg was an insectiod race (hence the hive-mind, and I suppose later the queen).  The signal was calling them, but by the time they actually showed up in 'Q-Who' their concept had changed from 'insect' to 'cyber-zombie' so that

These were intended to all be part of the same arc, as the original concept of the Borg was an insectiod race (hence the hive-mind, and I suppose later the queen).  The signal was calling them, but by the time they actually showed up in 'Q-Who' their concept had changed from 'insect' to 'cyber-zombie' so that

I wouldn't kick him out of bed.

Can we say for sure that Renly was ill suited for winning the crown?  He didn't defend himself against magical assassination, but who would?  He did have quite a large army, and one whose two halves proved useful to Stannis and Tywin at the Blackwater.

Hodor Hodor (spoilers) Hodor Hodor Hodor

It may have something to do with attempting a grand scope on a tv budget.

100,000 + W = 2L

SPOILERS: Zuko's mom ended up in Ba Sing Se, and is now named Joo Dee

A foundling is a child the was abandoned by its parents, and is found and raised by others.

Shouldn't that be free libre, or do you actually mean that you don't charge to write redundancies?

Straightness and weed-selling are independent.  One says nothing about the other.  Perhaps you mean that squareness equals not selling weed?

This seems to play right in to my reading of Scott's main argument, that the work is to long for the plot to really work as a film.  The story either needed more cuts, or a longer running time to fit in the books characterizations, and to allow for that many battles to not get tiring.

The Swede looks like every character Steve Dillon ever drew.  (He was the artist on Preacher)

Damn.  I should have read down further.  Its times like this that I miss the old two-tiered comment system.

'Tales of Ba Sing Se' is only two episodes away, so to do it by itself, next week would have to be 'City Of Walls And Secrets' by itself, and this wouldn't accomplish anything.  to get back on a proper rotation the single episode would have to be an odd number of episodes from now.

My impression was that in the Discworld Orcs and Goblins are completely different things.  While these are synonyms in Tolkein, they've been turned into different concepts in subsequent fantasy writing (esp. D&D).  Was Mr Nutt ever referred to as a Goblin?  In Academicals people mostly fear orcs as a race of magically

I believe it was the Romans.

I always figured its absence in later trek, was simply due to the fact that the enterprise was destroyed and Worf transfered to DS9 when their relationship was still in quite an early stage.  Not wanting to do the long distance thing, they broke it off but stayed relatively friendly.  (If memory serves it does take a

Well yes.  The above are my assumptions of what happened given what we know so far.  It seemed to me that it was most likely to be the young melody, and I took her fuzzy memory of her time in the suit as bolstering that strong probability.