Champion - The Drinker

Wait, isn't this the first time we've learned Shiro Shinobi's name, let alone seen what he looks like? Where's the discussion of this revelation?

Treason doth never prosper, whats the reason?


Also: Daario Naharis‎ dyes his beard and hair blue, and his mustache gold.

The Boston show was great. Much of it was PFT as Werner Herzog describing his upcoming sequel to Good Will Hunting.

The 'fan-fiction' term should cover a lot more of literature than people usually think. It clearly applies to posthumous completions of an author's incomplete works, but also to retellings of the original stories. In this sense, most of Shakespeare is fan-fiction, its just well-written enough to have vastly

Also they still have plenty of wildlings left to make into wights before they go south.  Wights that will be useful when they come up against the wall.

This could be a fantastic way to play off of the previous seasons' "big things happen in episode 9" pattern.  End ep 9 with the viper vs the mountain, and then ep 10 includes rapid-fire succession of Jon elected lord commander, Tywin's death, Lysa's death and the reveal of lady S.

I really wished they had included Melisandre's actual prophecy that

I figured the Viper's fight to end episode 9, and Tywin's death to end the season.

You're right. Drowning is much better than burning for that reason.

This is always the problem with great crimes, yes?  You feel great pain for what he has done, so you kill him.   But his death was quick, and now he is dead and so no longer exists.  But you still feel the pain of what he has done, and so still feel the need for vengeance.

There's still stuff for him to do.  He has some meetings (including setting up that the Viper will fight for him) and then there's the whole of his trial, before he finally demands a battle.

I liked the idea of ending ep 9 with Oberyn's death (so during the credits you get the great 'Tyrion is doomed' feeling you get in the book at that point) and then ep 10 ends with Tywin ('s body) alone in the privy, and then fade out.

It was nowhere near the works at the time Jamie got captured, so how could he have known what Tywin was organizing?  Jamie likely would not have even known that Rob married Jeyne/Talisa till after he gets to King's Landing and hears about the Red Wedding.  He certainly didn't know about Tywin's plans.

Given that the show is going to have to get ahead of the books after book 5-or-6 depending in whether winds of winter is finished by the time the show gets up-to-current, it just means that if Jeyne Westerling has Robb's kid then that kid spawns a subplot rather than altering the course of the whole thing.

yes nichobert. we are.

I think that this episode confirms that she, like Jeyne, was no sort of plant, but merely a foolish decision on Rob's part that Tywin took full advantage of.  The main difference was that Jeyne had relatives that were suitably cowed by the Lannisters, so on their side all along (without her knowledge of course) so she

I didn't expect it a few weeks ago when it seemed that she wouldn't be coming along to the Twins, but that hope died when I saw her front and center for their first appearance in the Freys' hall.

One of these days… BANG, ZOOM! Sword through the eye!!