
I'm just gonna liveblog over here in this corner.

I'm just gonna liveblog over here in this corner.

The Opening Ceremony replay is just on telly now and all I can do is shout "KENNETH" delightedly at the telly.  AND HE'S BACK. Striking hero poses. In a mock TARDIS interior? I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but it looks cool.

The Opening Ceremony replay is just on telly now and all I can do is shout "KENNETH" delightedly at the telly.  AND HE'S BACK. Striking hero poses. In a mock TARDIS interior? I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but it looks cool.

The fanciest of howdies, everyone, with a regal sort of wave to match. (And, if you picture that all in a fluoro colour, that will take care of the garishness.) I am keds, and I have to go to sleep. I'm don't know if I'll even get to join the events (seriously, have you ever tried to join a Commentarium Zone Olympics

The fanciest of howdies, everyone, with a regal sort of wave to match. (And, if you picture that all in a fluoro colour, that will take care of the garishness.) I am keds, and I have to go to sleep. I'm don't know if I'll even get to join the events (seriously, have you ever tried to join a Commentarium Zone Olympics

'My Head is an Animal' is my favourite album of the year. None of this Frank Ocean business! 

'My Head is an Animal' is my favourite album of the year. None of this Frank Ocean business! 

Thank you, @EmElle:disqus ! The more you liveblog this, the less I have to watch. (I haven't seen any of it, but now I can pretend I have.)

Thank you, @EmElle:disqus ! The more you liveblog this, the less I have to watch. (I haven't seen any of it, but now I can pretend I have.)

I don't have any thoughts, but can I have some food?

I don't have any thoughts, but can I have some food?

Les doigts dans le nez! (A phrase a French friend taught me, and which is about the only French I remember.)

Les doigts dans le nez! (A phrase a French friend taught me, and which is about the only French I remember.)

@Spazophie I thought Australians only mistook New Zealanders for Australians when they were super rich and famous (and for the ARIAs, not that anyone pays attention to the ARIAs)… ;)

@Spazophie I thought Australians only mistook New Zealanders for Australians when they were super rich and famous (and for the ARIAs, not that anyone pays attention to the ARIAs)… ;)

Glad to hear that you and your friends are okay. 

Glad to hear that you and your friends are okay. 

Thank goodness for that. (Suddenly the Communists map didn't seem so frivolous. It was really handy.)

Thank goodness for that. (Suddenly the Communists map didn't seem so frivolous. It was really handy.)