No one here is from Denver and was going to Batman, right?
No one here is from Denver and was going to Batman, right?
No one here is from Denver and was going to Batman, right?
:( sums it up, really.
:( sums it up, really.
Does Angel & Faith make sense if you haven't read After The Fall? I only got the first three issues of that and then stopped.
Does Angel & Faith make sense if you haven't read After The Fall? I only got the first three issues of that and then stopped.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!etc. etc.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!etc. etc.
How much do you guys care when that happens, @Spazophie:disqus ? (You are now entirely representative of your country's cultural opinions. Use this responsibility wisely!) But given we're all trapped at the arse end of the earth together, can't we all just get along? [Imagine there's some dramatic sobbing here, for…
How much do you guys care when that happens, @Spazophie:disqus ? (You are now entirely representative of your country's cultural opinions. Use this responsibility wisely!) But given we're all trapped at the arse end of the earth together, can't we all just get along? [Imagine there's some dramatic sobbing here, for…
Ah, bugger. In that case, I hope the next seven hours go by faster than a locomotive!
Ah, bugger. In that case, I hope the next seven hours go by faster than a locomotive!
And being brain dead at work won't kill you, it'll… make you stronger! Or something. Any justification will do. (Batman: because he's worth it.)
And being brain dead at work won't kill you, it'll… make you stronger! Or something. Any justification will do. (Batman: because he's worth it.)
(Edited edit says: ignore this edit.)
(Edited edit says: ignore this edit.)
BE EXCITED. IT IS VERY EXCITING! Have you got something to tide you over? Like the two previous movies?
BE EXCITED. IT IS VERY EXCITING! Have you got something to tide you over? Like the two previous movies?
I heard one review that gave it a B, ignored that review completely, and spent most of the film gaping in awe. At the end, there was a beat, and then everyone started clapping. IT WAS SO GREAT.
I heard one review that gave it a B, ignored that review completely, and spent most of the film gaping in awe. At the end, there was a beat, and then everyone started clapping. IT WAS SO GREAT.